Jo Graham (North Carolina) has practiced in Pagan and Hermetic traditions for more than thirty years, including leading an eclectic circle for nearly a decade. Dedicated in 1989, she took her mastery in 2004. She has studied the Classical world extensively and today mainly works in traditions based on the Hellenistic Cult of Isis. Though she worked in politics for fifteen years, today Jo divides her time between writing and working as a Guardian ad Litem for children in foster care. She lives in North Carolina with her partner and their daughters.
18 द्वारा ईबुक Jo Graham
Jo Graham: Hand Of Isis
Against the rising power of Rome, Egypt is the last and strongest bastion of the Eastern Hellenistic kingdoms. Charmian is Cleopatra’s half sister, daughter of Pharaoh and a woman of the harem. She s …
Jo Graham: Black Ships
The World is ending. One by one the mighty cities are falling: to earthquakes, to flood and to raiders – on both land and sea.In a time of war and doubt, Gull is an oracle, a mouthpiece of the gods. …
Jo Graham: Die Seherin von Troja
Mit sieben Jahren kommt Möwe, Tochter einer trojanischen Sklavin, in die Obhut der Priesterin Pythia. Diese erkennt die Gabe ihres Schützlings, ihr einst als Orakel nachzufolgen. Von nun an ist Möwe …
Jo Graham & Melissa Scott: STARGATE ATLANTIS Homecoming (Legacy book 1)
Based on the hit TV show STARGATE ATLANTIS.
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