Dr. Tobias Huth promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Joachim Büschken am Lehrstuhl für Marketing und Absatzwirtschaft an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Er ist als Manager Business Evaluation bei der BASF AG in Ludwigshafen tätig.
5 द्वारा ईबुक Joachim Buschken
Tobias Huth: Organizing Cross-Functional New Product Development Projects
In theory and practice, cross-functional teams (CFTs) are considered an essential requirement for the success of innovation projects. However, empirical research indicates that the use of CFTs does n …
Klaus Backhaus & Joachim Buschken: International Marketing
International Marketing is an adaptation of a best-selling German text, which considers the global marketing arena from a new and original perspective. It focuses upon international marketing primari …