Joar Haga is Associate Professor II of Church History at NLA University College, Norway, and Associate Professor of Church History at VID Specialized University, Norway.
Bård Norheim is Associate Professor of Practical Theology at NLA University College, Norway.
7 द्वारा ईबुक Joar Haga
Bård Norheim & Joar Haga: The Four Speeches Every Leader Has to Know
This book provides a rhetorical manual for political and business leaders to motivate followers even in times of hardship. It covers the fine art of persuasion and argues that there are four speeches …
Joar Haga & Sascha Salatowsky: Das Projekt der Aufklärung
Die Aufklärung bezeichnet nicht nur eine historische Epoche, sondern auch einen Anspruch, der bis in die Gegenwart reicht. Der Sammelband spürt diesem historisch-systematischen ‘Projekt der Aufklärun …
Joar Haga: Was there a Lutheran Metaphysics?
Joar Haga traces the Lutheran doctrine of communicatio idiomatum, the exchange of properties between the natures of Christ, as it developed in some important controversies of the 16th and the early 1 …
Ernst-Joachim Waschke & Herman J. Selderhuis: Reformation und Rationalität
On 19th October 1512, Martin Luther received his doctorate of theology under the chairmanship of Andreas Bodenstein of Karlstadt. Throughout his life, Luther remained tied to the Universityof Wittemb …
Bård Norheim & Joar Haga: The Three Fears Every Leader Has to Know
Fear is an inescapable part of how human beings experience reality. The impact of fear becomes particularly evident in a crisis. When a crisis strikes, be it a war, a pandemic, global warming or a fi …
Christopher Spehr: Lutherjahrbuch 90. Jahrgang 2023: Word and World – Wort und Welt: Luther Across Borders
Das Lutherjahrbuch ist das bedeutendste Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung und wird im Auftrag der Luther-Gesellschaft e.V. von Christopher Spehr herausgegeben. Der 90. Jahrgang dokumentiert d …
Eivor Andersen Oftestad & Joar Haga: Tracing the Jerusalem Code
With the aim to write the history of Christianity in Scandinavia with Jerusalem as a lens, this book investigates the image – or rather the imagination – of Jerusalem in the religious, political, and …