लेखक: Joel R. Beeke

Dr. Joel R. Beeke serves as President and Professor of Systematic Theology, Church History, and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has been in the ministry since 1978 and has served as a pastor of his current church since 1986. He is also editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written, co-authored, or edited fifty books and contributed over fifteen hundred articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. (1988) from Westminster Theological Seminary is in Reformation and Post-Reformation Theology. He is frequently called upon to lecture at Reformed seminaries and to speak at conferences around the world. He and his wife, Mary, have three children: Calvin, Esther, and Lydia.

21 द्वारा ईबुक Joel R. Beeke

Joel R. Beeke: Getting Back in the Race
What is backsliding, really? Is it serious? What can be done about it? The Christian life is a race, a marathon. Through the gospel, God summons us to sustained and persevering effort. He empowers hi …
Joel R. Beeke: Friends and Lovers
Marriage aims at the glory of God through intimate companionship. God meant husband and wife to walk together, talk together, work together, and sleep together. As the Puritans said, God did not make …
Michael A. G. Haykin & Mark Jones: Drawn into Controversie
By their very nature, traditions are diverse. This is particularly the case with theological traditions, even including those cases where they have been named for a single individual (e.g. Augustinia …
Joel R. Beeke: Rientrare in gara
Non rassegnarti all’idea di essere un gambero spirituale. Il problema è che troppi cristiani stanno optando per dosi di grazia omeopatiche, degne di un crostaceo. Il peccato trascina il …
Joel R. Beeke: Amici e Amanti
Joel Beeke prima getta le fondamenta teologiche, emozionali, sociali e spirituali del matrimonio cristiano, poi tocca aspetti intimi della coppia, fornendo un sano correttivo per l’eccessiva e …
Joel R. Beeke & Martin I. Klauber: The Synod of Dort
The Synod of Dort was an international conference of Reformed leaders held in 1618–1619 in the Netherlands. It is famous for its so-called Five Points of Calvinism which were a refutation of the Five …
Adriaan C. Neele: Petrus van Mastricht (1630-1706): Text, Context, and Interpretation
Petrus van Mastricht (1630–1706): Text, Context, and Interpretation »is not just a statement of the state of the art on Mastricht studies. It also points the way forward for further exploration of Ma …
Joel R. Beeke: Debated Issues in Sovereign Predestination
Joel R. Beeke’s work is an academic monograph of historical theology that examines three flashpoints of controversy in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology. As the subtitle, Early Lutheran Prede …
Frank L. Bartoe: A Soul Framed in Christ
There is a particular pressing question that seems to permeate the whole of Charnock’s works: ‘If the greatest or highest degree of excellence is found in this imitable perfection of God, this confor …
Sherif A. Fahim: Justification, Sanctification, and Union with Christ
The opposition against legalism and Antinomianism is one fight that Calvin, the Westminster Divines, and Walter Marshall were involved in. Both errors are strongly connected, and we are prone to swin …
Joel R. Beeke & Paul M Smalley: Teologia Sistemática Reformada – Volume 1
A igreja precisa de uma boa teologia que envolva a mente, o coração e as mãos O primeiro volume de uma obra de quatro volumes combina rigorosa erudição histórica e teológica com aplicação e praticida …
Joel R. Beeke: Calvino para hoje
‘Esta antologia de ensaios que exploram a relevância de João Calvino para nossos tempos é exatamente o que esperamos do Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary e de seu corpo docente, uma forte combina …
Joel R. Beeke & Bartel Elshout: A beleza e a Glória do Pai
‘Esta é uma coleção das mensagens pregadas na conferência de teologia do Puritan Seminary em agosto de 2012. Ao contrário de muitas antologias, esta é uma joia. Você encontrará aqui uma série de tópi …
Joel R. Beeke & Joseph A. Pipa: A beleza e a Glória do Espírito Santo
Este livro se originou de duas conferências fundamentadas na herança reformada. Em março de 2011, o Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary realizou uma conferência sobre ‘A pessoa e a obra do E …
Joel R. Beeke & David Murray: A beleza e a Glória de Cristo
Para ser verdadeiramente cristão, temos de abraçar como doutrina e como experiência os principais dogmas da Reforma: sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, sola Scriptura e soli Deo Gloria. Não é a …
William Boekestein & Joel R. Beeke: Warum Christus kam
Wenn wir über die Geburt Christi nachdenken, richten wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit oft auf den detaillierten Bericht des Lukas-Evangeliums. Aber um den Hauptpunkt der Geschichte zu verstehen nämlich, das …
Joel R. Beeke & Voice of Hope: Wie du die Bibel lieben lernst
Lass mich dir zwei Dinge sagen: 1. Bibellesen ist harte Arbeit. 2. Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Die meisten Christen wissen, dass sie die Bibel lesen sollten; sie wissen, dass die Bibel sie weise ma …
Joel R. Beeke & Peter Krell: Die Familienandacht neu entdecken
• Wie kann ich Gottesfurcht und Liebe in der Familie fördern? • Wie kann eine Gemeinde wachsen? • Was kann unsere Gesellschaft verändern? Joel Beeke zeigt in diesem Buch, dass ein Schlüssel für Erwec …
Paul M. Smalley & Joel R. Beeke: Leben als Single
Ist das Singleleben etwas Normales? Muss ich mein Leben lang allein bleiben? Kann ich Gott als Single besser dienen? Ist die Ehe der einzige Weg zum Glück?Diese und ähnliche Fragen beschäftigen viele …
Paul M. Smalley & Joel R. Beeke: Ein Mann und eine Frau
• Wie sollen wir als Christen zur Homosexualität stehen? • Was lehrt die Bibel über sexuelle Beziehungen zwischen Menschen desselben Geschlechts? • Erfordert wahre Liebe, dass wir alle Formen sexuell …
Joel R. Beeke & Voice of Hope: Wie sollten Männer ihre Familien leiten?
Wie kann ein Mann seine Familie dem Wort Gottes gemäß leiten? Was ist seine Verantwortung als Ehemann und Vater? Was bedeutet es, zu lehren, zu beschützen und zu leiten?Gottes Wort lehrt uns, dass Je …