Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts 23e has a long-standing reputation of being the most teachable text. It is regarded as the benchmark by which all others are measured. It is engaging, clearlyarticulated and conceptually balanced mainstream treatment of the latest developments in theory and practice include theclearest presentation of the value-price-cost framework. Our co-author, Margaret Peteraf, a highly regarded researcher, helped...
Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts 23e has a long-standing reputation of being the most teachable text. It is regarded as the benchmark by which all others are measured. It is engaging, clearlyarticulated and conceptually balanced mainstream treatment of the latest developments in theory and practice include theclearest presentation of the value-price-cost framework. Our co-author, Margaret Peteraf, a highly regarded researcher, helped integrate both the resource-based view of the firm from the perspective of both single-business and multi-business strategies.Mc Graw Hill’s Connect online homework and learning solution for the 23rd Edition has been bolstered tosupport faculty teaching hybrid and online courses. Connect allows adopters to easily integrate auto-graded content using Connect or your Learning Management System to assess student mastery of course competency goals. The 23E of Connect offers automatic grading for all chapter quizzes, learning assurance exercises, and virtually all exercises for simulation users for 12 chapters. Plus, Connect provides a wide variety of learning resources that take your students higher by developing students lower-to-higher order thinking skills, aligned with Blooms Taxonomy including: Smart Book 2.0s adaptive reading experience, Whiteboard Video Cases, Case Analyses, Application-Based Activities (mini-simulations), Writing Assignments, and more.