A world trapped between the dimensions of science and magic. A world torn. A world filled with high adventure, where death lurks behind every corner. Do you dare enter?
Do you dare not?
The Realm of The Gateway is a fantasy/science fantasy role playing game set on the mythical world of Uylande.
It is a world trapped inside a dimensional portal between the dimensions of science and magic. Half the world obeys the physical laws of magic, while half the world obeys the physical laws of science. Where the two meet is a land of chaos called the Death Zone.
The Realm Of The Gateway, The Magic Realm.
• Rules for realistic combat. The damage you do is based on how well you hit and where.
• Rules for pain and shock damage.
• Over 20 psionic powers and rules for their use.
• A listing of creatures found anywhere in the world.
• Rules for character creation. Includes 9 player races for The Magic Realm.
• Rules for skill use including dozens of skills for The Magic Realm.
• A revolutionary magic system. No power points. No spell memorization. Magic users can use their magic as often as they want.
• Over 200 spells, plus free form magic.
• Dozens of creatures found in The Magic Realm.
• Background and setting for one of the lands in The Magic Realm.
The Realm of the Gateway: The Magic Realm is the first in a series of books for The Realm of the Gateway. The Science Realm and The Death Zone will be coming soon! In addition we will be releasing guidebooks for each realm.
Welcome to The Realm of the Gateway! Find out the history of the Atlanteans and their journey to the world of Uylande.
Chapter One: Character Creation
Find out how to create a character for The Magic Realm. This chapter introduces the different player races and the methods used for generating and calculating the different attributes for a character. There is also an introduction for the Gamemaster on generating non-player characters.
Chapter Two: Professions and Skills
In this chapter the different professions are introduced as well as the starting skills for each profession. Chapter two also gives the mechanics for skill use as well as a complete listing of the skills available to characters in The Magic Realm. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion on experience, experience levels and the rules for character advancement.
Chapter Three: Combat
This meaty chapter talks about most character’s favorite thing, combat! Here you will find the mechanics for combat, rules for called shots and critical hits, the effect of armor on combat and all the tables needed for combat. There are also lists of weapons and armor common to The Magic Realm. Lastly the chapter talks about healing and healing aids available in The Magic Realm.
Chapter Four: Psionics and the Use of Will
Psionics are the abilities and powers of the mind. Chapter four introduces these powers and the mechanics to use them. It also introduces the concepts of Concentration and Mental Endurance which are used for psionics as well as magic and some mutations. More than 25 psionic powers are described and detailed.
Chapter Five: Magic
Magic is the ability to alter the world around us through the laws of magic. This chapter introduces the basics for magic including the laws of magic and the art of “programming” spells, allowing magic users to shape and alter their spells to new heights. Four different classes of magic users are introduced; the pseudo-scientific and studious sorcerer, the devout mystic, and the instinctive magic users the Enchanter and the Wizard. Hundreds of spells are described as well as rules for using them in combat. The chapter also has a section on magical materials, potions and magic items, both their creation and use.
Chapter Six: Hazards
This chapter, meant mostly for the Gamemaster, introduces the different hazards that await the characters in their adventures through the world. The chapter starts with a selection of natural animals, both from Earth and native to Uylande. Plants come next, with an interesting selection of useful and dangerous plants. Humanoids are next, from Centaurs to Orcs, many of which can be used as player characters. Then come the monsters! Giants, magical creatures, immortals, lycanthropes, demons, undead and dragons! And, of course, what chapter on hazards would be complete without a discussion of poisons and diseases.
Chapter Seven: Adventuring in The Magic Realm
The history of the world, from its fiery beginnings to current times. An introduction to the continent of Avagnon and its lands, peoples and kingdoms. Next is a section on the economics of the land, equipment lists and costs and a discussion on loot and treasure. This section also gives Gamemaster advice and ideas, hints and plots. And finally, there is the three-headed dragon Hargoth…
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John Griffin has worked in the aerospace industry for many years now, but his passion has always been games and role-playing games. The Realm of the Gateway is something he created decades ago and has been working on to perfect for many years.