Adventurer, Cartoonist, Innovator, Musician, Man of God, Missionary, Trainer … all characterize John King. Eagerly accepting challenges that most would say were impossible or couldn’t be done, and yet inspiring others to participate with him in his radical “Off the Wall” endeavours. From jungles with crocodiles, to participating in the Guinness World Records with his musical saw, John wouldn’t say NO to any opportunity, sometimes to the dismay of his more sensible wife, Laura.
John’s motto: “Live vibrantly; Learn continuously; Love deeply and Leave a godly Legacy” is evident through his life, ministry and relationships.
With over 250 short stories, mostly written from John’s creative perspective, we share a slice of humor, a bit of philosophy, a touch of heartache, and some of the lessons we learned through it all. May this book encourage and challenge our family, friends, partners, and all who may choose to read it, as we reveal a few of the experiences God brought into our lives!
Tributes & Endorsements i
Foreword vii
Preface xi
Boyhood Challenges 1
From One to Five in Six Years! 15
Baby Steps in Trusting God 27
A Leap of Faith – Halfway Around the World 37
Learning to Live in Another Culture 43
Government Relations 75
Just Another Day in the Romance of being a Missionary 87
Our Home and Native Land 110
Some Memorable Travel Experiences 131
A Change of Direction 152
Some Random Musings 181
Creativity 229
Encouragement 242
Discipling 259
Heavenomics 280
Hospitality 294
Beaver Tales 303
Laughter is Good Medicine 309
Laura’s Life Lessons 320
Is It Worth It All? 340
Acknowledgements 367