‘Fishers of Men’ is a beginner’s guide for those who desire to witness for Christ. The focus is on what Jesus said… ‘And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brothers Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ Matthew 4:19f.
This verse is the basis for my book. What qualifies a person to fish for men? What training did Jesus give them? Are all Christians called to be fishers of men? Is there a specific bait used to fish for men? What do you do with the fish? Why were Peter and Andrew chosen by Jesus?
The author will discuss ‘Authority and Responsibility’, ‘Dos and Don’ts’, ‘Schools of Thought’, ‘Techniques’, ‘Mindset’, ‘Presentations’, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Warfare and a lot more. He has also added a gallery of anointed poems for the reader’s edification.
Fishers of Meen
Chapter One: Authority And Responsibility
Chapter Two: The Soul Winner’s Mindset
Chapter Three: Schools of Thought
Chapter Four: Dealing With Objection
Chapter Five: Do’s N Don’ts
Chapter Six: Key Scriptures To Remember
Chapter Seven: Presentations and Invitation
Chapter Eight: Techniques And Gimmicks
Chapter Nine: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Chapter Ten: Bringing In The Sheaves
Chapter Eleven: Prayer And The Power of God
Chater Twelve: Spiritual Warfare And Witnessing
About The Author
Gallery of Anointed Poems
लेखक के बारे में
Rev. Marinelli is an ordained minister. He has formed and been pastor of one church in Wisconsin and was the pastor of another in Alabama. He has also been a youth minister and evangelism director over the years. Rev. Marinelli has authored over 30 books and now offers other Christian writers free counsel and help in publishing their Christian books. His books and other information on publishing are available for viewing on his website. www.marinellichristianbooks.com John is an accomplished Christian poet. He dabbles in songwriting and writing poetry. He is the Vice President of Have A Heart For Companion Animals, Inc., a ‘No Kill’ animal welfare organization. He volunteers his time promoting fundraising events for www.haveaheartusa.org.Rev. Marinelli spent 35 years in the sales and marketing arena working as a sales manager for several advertising sales companies. He is now retired from business-to-business and non-profit marketing. He enjoys writing Christian themed books, playing chess, singing karaoke, and a blessed lifestyle in sunny Florida. e Mail Contact [email protected]