How To Live A Victorious Christian Life Is A ‘How To’ Biblical Guide For Anyone Seeking To Grow In Christ.
Discussion Topics Include
Life’s Most Important Questions,
Knowing God’s Will, Knowing Who
You Are In Christ, How To Rest In The Lord,
Hearing The Voice of God, Day-By-Day Living,
Seeing The Hand of God, Finding God’s Peace
And Much More.
लेखक के बारे में
Rev. Marinelli is an ordained minister, He has formed and been pastor of one church in Wisconsin and was the pastor of another in Alabama. He has also been a youth minister and evangelism director over the years.
Rev. Marinelli has authored several books including: ‘Original Story Poems’, ‘The Art of Writing Christian Poetry, ‘ ‘Pulpit Poems, ‘ ‘Moonlight & Mistletoe, ‘ ‘The Mysterious Stranger, ‘ ‘With Eagles Wings, ‘ ‘Mysteries & Miracles, ‘ ‘It Came To Pass, ‘ Why Do The Righteous Suffer, ‘ and ‘Believer’s Handbook of battle Strategies.’
He is also the author of over 80 e Books on various Christian subjects. The e Books are all free downloads from his website;
John is an accomplished Christian poet. He also dabbles in songwriting and writing one act Christian plays.
He is the Vice President of Have A Heart For Companion Animals, Inc., a ‘No Kill’ animal welfare organization…
Rev. Marinelli is now retired from the sales and marketing arena after spending over 40 years in business-to-business and non-profit marketing. He enjoys writing Christian fiction stories, playing chess, singing karaoke and a retired lifestyle in sunny Florida.