How to solve problems using the Constitution. Is a book promotes US citizens to run for public office while explaining to the readers how to solve the major problems that are facing the US population. The book goes through almost every issue that is facing the United States from Global Warming to the Student Debt Crises. Issues like the 2nd amendment, gay marriage, bailouts and the collapse of the economy. How to solve problems using the constitution takes the reader through different issues, while explaining history of the United States where there might have been similar problems then. How did Washington solve the debt crisis from the revolutionary war? We have a debt crisis today. How can we use history to solve our problems today? What does it mean to be an American vs a British Subject? How did the United States become the power house that it is today? Why is it so hard to live in the United States? What is constitutional and what is not constitutional? This book is designed to educate the reader on running for office and solving our problems like the constitution was designed for. Solving our problems diplomatically, using our laws to raise the stand of living for the common man. Only you can run for office and work within our government to change things for the good. Our politicians are invested in themselves. Our politicians are going to do what they are told by the people who finance their campaigns. That is why you need to run for political office and that is why I wrote this book. Hopefully I might have enough money to run for office one day. I hope that this book motivates you, the reader to be self-confident embracing your democratic republican responsibilities and run for office. I hope that I create an army of responsible democratic republican civilians that take their government back from the Special interests, lobbyists and the foreign governments that are controlling the United States of America today.
लेखक के बारे में
John Thomas Wright was born in Lake County, Illinois. He moved to Texas at the age of nine, where his mother would drink and tell him stories of the Rothschild banking family in the evenings, and then he moved to Rhode Island at the age of eleven before moving back to the Dallas area, where he went to high school and attended college as a music major. John has always been interested in politics, beginning when he would spend the evenings as a child talking to his mother about politics. Working three jobs and still not managing to make the rent payments, he joined the US Navy and served for two years. He then began following his dream to be a musician and songwriter, living in a motor home in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, for two years, writing songs and playing for tips. He then moved back to Dallas to study economics for two years before moving to Austin, Texas, and opening up a music video production company, making seven music videos and two albums. Austin shut down the Austin Music Network (AMN), congruently shutting down John’s business, Crop Circle Productions. He then followed his second love, which he found in Austin, riding a bicycle taxi. He went around thirty-three cities with his bike taxis—about which there was a story called Chariots for Hire written for the Wall Street Journal. While working in Fort Lauderdale, he was offered a sales position in a roofing company, and he has worked as a project manager for different roofing companies and as an English teacher in China. He has also worked on two political campaigns in the Houston area. Currently, John Thomas Wright gives occasional lectures about Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal construction era.