What do you really know about what happens in NATOs and UNs military missions? What do nationwide broadcasting and newspapers not tell you? This book provides a look behind the screen seen through the lens of an outsider. It contains fascinating stories with unexpected observations about military life in Afghanistan, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia, Congo, Japan, Jamaica, Lebanon, Liberia, Northern Ireland and Taiwan. Those stories are not just simple travel stories, nor are they journalism or short stories with the twist of a famous writer, they are not academic analysis or criticism, no treatise in international relations, it is no magic realism, nor an ego- or emo-document, and they are no horror stories… the stories in this book are in fact a bit of everything…
लेखक के बारे में
Joseph Soeters is a social scientist working for the Netherlands Defense Organization. Not being a military person, he is a bit of an outsider who is curious to know about things going on in military operations. That is why he has visited such operations and military sites all over the world. His visits brought him to write down this collection of military travel stories.