लेखक: Judit Baranyiné Kóczy

Judit Baranyiné Kóczy studied English language and literature and Hungarian language and literature at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Piliscsaba. She was a Ph D student from 2008 to 2011 at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, where she joined the Doctoral School of Linguistics and specialised in cognitive linguistics. She obtained her summa cum laude Ph D degree in 2014 completing her thesis on A Spatial Semantic Approach to Hungarian Folksongs. At present her main interests of research involve language and culture, cultural conceptualisations, metaphors in culture, spatial semantics, and folklore discourse types, where she applies theoretical issues to empirical, corpus-based study. At present she is a senior lecturer at the Széchenyi István University, Győr.

3 द्वारा ईबुक Judit Baranyiné Kóczy

Judit Baranyiné Kóczy: Nature, Metaphor, Culture
This book analyses the emotional message of Hungarian folksongs from a Cultural Linguistic perspective, employing a wide range of empirical devices. It combines theoretical notions with analytical de …
Judit Baranyiné Kóczy & Diana Prodanović Stankić: Cultural Linguistics and the Social World
This book approaches cultural conceptualizations of our modern world from cultural, linguistic and cognitive perspectives. It explores broader topics such as contemporary society, media and entertain …
Judit Baranyiné Kóczy & Veronika Szelid: Cultural Linguistics and (Re)conceptualized Tradition
This book offers a cutting-edge compilation of studies on (re)conceptualized traditions in a wide variety of discourses such as the language of emotion, folklore, religion and morality, the natural e …