Active Social Work with Children with Disabilities provides a comprehensive social worker’s guide to working with children with disabilities, exploring current issues from the perspective of both the social worker and the family. Many people are afraid of working in this field of social work and this book dispels the myths and fears about working with children with disabilities and build the social worker’s confidence in an area that is often left behind within the social work world.
The book will help you to:
- undertake a social work assessment with a child with a disability
- consider the holistic needs of the child and the family
- explore the impact of grief and loss upon the family
- build emotional intelligence and resilience within families.
- communicate with children with disabilities communication techniques.
The new SEND legislation and issues around Safeguarding of Children with Disabilities and Transition to Adult Social Care for the young person are explored, and activities and scenarios help you to critically reflect and explore theory and practice further
Chapter One Legislative Frameworks supporting Children with Disabilities
Chapter Two Exploring Processes in Practice
Chapter Three Managing the Emotional Impact of Disability
Chapter Four The Child’s Voice – Exploring their world using good
Chapter Five Autism and the impact on Communication
Chapter Six Completing your assessment
Chapter Seven Exploring Behaviour Management Techniques & Strategies
Chapter Eight Giving Consideration to Values, Ethics, Race and Anti-
Discriminatory Practice
Chapter Nine Accessing Support and Resources
Chapter Ten Exploring a Family Perspective
Chapter Eleven Taking it Further
लेखक के बारे में
Diana Leshone began working with children and families in 1989 starting in a Family Centre in partnership with Save the Children Fund and the Local authority. Her direct work includes assessments, direct work with children, crisis response, court work, behaviour management including developing and delivering courses, parenting skills, and disabilities. Diana has managed a Resource Centre and a Children’s Centre whilst continuing to have children’s needs in focus. She qualified as a social worker in 2009 and joined a children’s disability team progressing to senior social worker. Diana has delivered training with Julie and is continually looking to share her practice wisdom to others in this field.