लेखक: K. S. Ravichandran

Dr. K.S. Ravichandran, M Com, LLB, FCS, PhD, has been into practice as aCompanySecretary since 1994.Heholds a doctorate from the Department of Management of Alagappa UniversityonProsecution of Directors under the Company Law and Criminal Law in IndiaandUK, a Diploma in Electronics and Radio Communication Engineering and aDiplomain Technology.Heis a member of the International Association for Protection of IntellectualPropertyRights, Insol International – a global organization for specialists in turnaround andinsolvencymatters and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is a member of theCoreGroup constituted by ICSI for formulating the Vision Plan 2022. He was amemberof the Secretarial Standards Board of the ICSI.Heregularly appears before the National Company Law Tribunal, National CompanyLawAppellate Tribunal, Competition Commission of India, Trademarks Tribunals, IntellectualProperty Appellate Board, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministryof Corporate Affairs, Arbitral Tribunals and Adjudicating Authorities, andotherTribunals and Appellate Tribunals. Several cases argued by him have beenreported andoft quoted in Law Journals.

1 द्वारा ईबुक K. S. Ravichandran

Y. Murakami & K.S. Ravichandran: Small Fatigue Cracks
This book contains the fully peer-reviewed papers presented at the Third Engineering Foundation Conference on Small Fatigue Cracks, held under the chairmanship of K.S. Ravichandran and Y. Murakami du …