‘Life sucks. I’m so depressed. I’m treating my parents like shit for no particular reason. I feel horrible and worthless. Even though I want to be happy and get on with my family, I can’t be, because I don’t deserve to be happy. I only deserve to be miserable.’
– Diary entry from March 2000
Growing up, Kate Purcell lived in the shadow of her twin brother. He was outgoing, confident and charismatic, while she was withdrawn and shy. The bullying at school was excruciating.
At just 14, Kate developed anorexia. She became obsessed with reducing calories, at one stage worrying that even using toothpaste would make her gain weight. She grew thinner and thinner until one day the scales read just 29 kilograms.
Her parents were stricken with worry and she was hospitalised 10 times, including a seven-month stint at the Hollywood Clinic in Perth. In time, she overcame the most severe aspects of anorexia, but life took a dangerous new turn when she started going to rave parties and taking recreational drugs.
Social anxiety and depression followed, then a psychotic episode at 24. Kate hit rock bottom. At 26, she was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and was required to take medication that caused weight gain as a side effect. She was on the precipice of having an eating disorder again.
Kate’s journey is ongoing, but her story is filled with strength and resilience. She shows that with the right treatment, tools and support, absolutely anything is possible.
Welcome to Hope Inc.
लेखक के बारे में
Kate Purcell strives to reduce the stigma around mental health issues in society. Based in Perth, she is a peer worker, mental-health advocate and group facilitator, as well as an alcohol and drug counsellor. She has worked at Ruah Community Services, Neami National and the Mental Health Advocacy Service in Western Australia, and is passionate about sharing her experiences with others to provide hope. Hope Inc. is her first book.