Ireland – When Sean Finnegan had called ‘I’ve got a gun and I’ll as sure as hell use it, ‘ it was a gesture, a mere gesture – that’s all it could be – one man against a detachment of the royal Irish
Constabulary. The rest of the evictions went quietly enough.
Africa – On the rough hewn table is a Bible, finger-worn from constant reading. The house is silent. Van Rebec’s wife emerges from the dark interior. She is excited and she says to the other man, ‘Jan Roux, you have a healthy daughter’. In a few years, the Boer republic of Transvaal and this family, will be involved in a fight for survival against the gold hungry British empire. The baby girl now a young woman a nurse, suffered the British concentration camp, to find strength and eventually love.
America – They survived the Coffin Ship, and after the Belfast slums, Hell’s Kitchen wasn’t so bad. They weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms, but, at least America did offer opportunity and they took it. The eldest boy Sean discovered that robbery paid better than working at a metal press. Black Americans only recently released from slavery themselves, disdainfully called the Irish ‘White niggers.’
England – He was raised in a family of privilege, but enlisted in the British army as a private
soldier. now a highly decorated regimental Sergeant Major, he seeks truth through war and finds it in defeat. Adventure, love, bloody war, victory over repression, British concentration camps, the dynamics of turbulent history.
* Two families tragically torn apart during the Irish evictions and British repression in Africa, each struggles to survive. They have the courage to overcome British imperialism, American prejudice, African reserve, World Wide Stereotyping.
* The story follows their journeys, one from Belfast, the other in their fight to save their African republic, and two lovers across the war torn African veldt, as they struggle to be together. They, the families and the lovers, ultimately triumph.
If your family tree has any Irish sap in its veins, and isn’t that almost everybody? This could be your story?
लेखक के बारे में
Author, Independent Screen Producer, Writer, Poet, Illustrator, Nature Photographer, Lecturer. An international multi award winner, Keith’s work has won major awards in five countries, it has been published/distributed on five continents and translated into 13 languages. Keith’s career has taken him around the world and across it’s oceans. He lives in a restored cottage/studio, positioned in natural habitat in the Australian country. He shares this creative life style with numerous native plants, birds, animals.
Clear The Way – No Irish need apply. A story that crosses continents
After the evictions, the poverty of Belfast, the orphanage, British Imperialism and the Coffin Ship; when compared to the gangs of Hell’s Kitchen and Chicago, the prejudice of 19th century Americans against the Irish – life in America wasn’t so bad. But a gold inspired war against the Boer republics, conservative culture, British concentration camps, desperate battle fields, and a search by two lovers across the African Veldt, it was another thing altogether.
What readers are saying: The story grabbed my attention and held it, the historical sub plot fascinated and informed me. Action, courage, love, triumph, presented in an unforgettably good novel; enjoy! – David Lynch.
Clear The Way, is an extraordinary story told well. Set in hard history, the narrative tells about the adventures of believable characters, in their pursuit of life’s success, It’s a great read – Brian Weekes.
If your family tree has any Irish sap in it’s veins – This is your story