This book gives a comprehensive view of the various types of hands a beginning player might expect to encounter in a tournament. The various categories of hands presented will teach you how to play the first card, how to ruff, how to set up a long suit, how to avoid the danger hand, how to avoid being ruffed, how to play for the drop, how to get a count on the hand and how to handle special card combinations. In addition, you will learn about finessing up to a lone honor, the ruffing finesse, the backward finesse and other finessing techniques.
लेखक के बारे में
Ken has published more than 15 bridge books. These books have now been consolidated into a series of 5 core tournament books as follows: Tournament Bridge for Beginning Players, Tournament Bridge for Intermediate Players, Tournament Bridge for Advanced Players, Tournament Bridge for Notrump Players and Tournament Bridge Tips on Defense. All 5 of these books were edited in 2019. Tournament Bridge for Beginning Players, Tournament Bridge for Intermediate Players, and Tournament Bridge for Notrump Players were then reedited in 2020. These 5 core books have themselves been condensed into a two-volume set called The Complete Book of Bridge Hands, Volumes 1 and 2. In addition, Ken has published a book on bidding, called The Casey Bridge Bidding System, an edit of The Precision Diamond Bridge Bidding System. This book was also edited in 2020.
Ken served as a Russian interpreter during the Vietnam War and then spent over 30 years practicing as a tax attorney. Ken also has an MBA in accounting and a CPA.