The capability to create and apply new knowledge is one of the main sources of sustained competitive advantage, yet there are few empirical studies of this. This book develops an improved and extended theoretical model about knowledge creation and transfer within organizations, testing it empirically with a survey in 115 knowledge-intensive firms.
Introduction PART ONE: THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY AND INTER-FIRM COMPETITION The Evolution of Economic Activity: Towards the Knowledge Society PART TWO: AN APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING: THE EO-SECI MODEL Towards the Formulation of a Model of Knowledge Creation and Organizational Learning PART THREE: DESIGNING THE EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Sampling Procedures Measurement Tools Stages for Data Gathering PART FOUR: RESULTS FROM THE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE Preliminary Analysis Exploratory Factor Analysis: Organizational Learning Dynamics Found in the Knowledge-Intensive Firms of the Sample Estructural Ecuation Model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Conclusion
लेखक के बारे में
GREGORIO MARTÍN DE CASTRO is Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. He is also a Research Associate at CIC Spanish Knowledge Society Research Centre, he holds an expert Diploma in Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management by IUEE and Insead, France, and he has been Fellow at Real Colegio Complutense-Harvard University during 2004-2005. He is author and co-author of several papers concerning Resource-Based View, Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management
PEDRO LOPEZ SAEZ is Assistant Professor of Buisness Administration at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, and he has been Fellow at Real Colegio Complutense- Harvard University during 2004-2005. He is Research Associate at CIC Spanish Knowledge Society Research Centre and he is author and co-author of several papers concerning Resource-Based View, Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management
JOSÉ EMILO NAVAS LÓPEZ is Professor and Head of the Business Administration Department in Universidad Compultense de Madrid, Spain. He is author and co-author of several books and papers concerning Technology Management, Strategy and Knowledge Management. He has held the first Knowledge Management Chair in Spain at I.U. Euroforum Escorial.
RAQUEL GALINDO DORADO is Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, fellow at the Center for Business and Government st J.F.Kennedy School-Harvard University, USA, andshe has been Fellow at Real Colegio Compultense-Harvard Univeristy during 2003-2005. She is the Coordinator of the Research Symposium for Spanish Accounting Aacademics at RCC-Harvard University.