Using interdisciplinary techniques and original research findings, this volume explores the shift from humoral to nervous interpretations of emotion; the emotional nature of the medical professional-patient relationship; and the extent to which gender might influence the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of pathological emotional conditions.
Foreword Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction Emotions in the Early Modern Medical Tradition; F.Bound Alberti Patients and Passions: Languages of Medicine and Emotion, 1790-1850; T.Dixon Languages and Landscapes of Emotion: Motherhood and Puerperal Insanity in the Nineteenth Century; H.Marland ‘Cold Calculation in the Faces of Horrors?’: Pity, Compassion and the Making of Humanitarian Protocols; B.Taithe Sympathy Under the Knife: Experimentation and Emotion in Late Victorian Britain; P.White Fear and Loathing in the Laboratory and Clinic; O.E.Dror From Clever Hans to Michael Balint: Emotion, Influence and the Unconscious in British Medical Practice; R.Hayward Diagnosing with Feeling: The Clinical Assessment of Schizophrenia in Early Twentieth-Century European Psychiatry; S.Lanzoni Index
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JANET BROWNE Lecturer at the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London, UK THOMAS DIXON Lecturer in History, University of Lancaster, UK OTNIEL E. DROR Head of the Section for the History of Medicine in the Medical Faculty, and Head of the Programme in Ethics and Science in the Faculty of the Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel RHODRI HAYWARD Research Fellow, Exeter University Wellcome Trust Centre for Medical History, UK SUSAN LANZONI Visiting Assistant Professor in the Programme for the History of Medicine and Science, Yale University, USA HILARY MARLAND Professor of History and Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick, UK BERTRAND TAITHE Professor of Cultural History, University of Manchester, UK PAUL WHITE Lecturer in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK