लेखक: Kerstin Ettl

Stephanie Birkner is a Junior Professor of Female Entrepreneurship based at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. She focuses on gender aspects in (educational) approaches to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Kerstin Ettl is a Juniorprofessor of Entrepreneurial Diversity & SME Management at the University of Siegen, Germany. Women”s entrepreneurship, embedded in the broader context of entrepreneurial diversity is one of her core areas of expertise.  Friederike Welter holds the chair of SME Management & Entrepreneurship at the University of Siegen, Germany, and is the President of the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung in Bonn, Germany (If M Bonn). She is committed to theoretically grounded and practice-oriented research and teaching in the area of SME development and entrepreneurship. Ilona Ebbers is Head of the Department of Economics and its Didactics at the European University of Flensburg, Germany. Her research addresses perspectives of entrepreneurship education with a central focus on gender as a didactic category. 

3 द्वारा ईबुक Kerstin Ettl

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