Daniel Burgos works as President/Rector of MIU City University Miami (USA) and as Vice-rector for International Research, at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). In addition, he holds a UNESCO Chair on e Learning and he is the Director of the Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education (UNIR i TED). He has implemented more than 80 European and worldwide R&D projects and published more than 270 scientific papers, 60 books and special issues, and 11 patents. He holds 13 Doctorate and Ph D degrees, including Computer Science and Education. He is a visiting professor at universities in the five continents. He works as a consultant for the United Nations (UNECE), the University of the United Nations (UNU-Flores), ICESCO, the European Commission and Parliament, and the Russian Academy of Science. His interests are mainly focused on Educational Technology & Innovation, including Personalised and Informal e Learning, Learning Analytics & AI in Education, Open Education & Science, e Games, and e Learning Specifications. ORCID: 0000-0003-0498-1101.
John Willian Branch is Full Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL, Colombia). He is Mines and Metallurgy Engineer and received his master of engineering in computer science and Ph.D. in engineering from UNAL. He is also Advisor and Consultant for the public and private sectors in the field of information and communications technologies and Vice-Chancellor of UNAL (Campus Medellin).
Ahmed Tlili is Associate Professor at Beijing Normal University (China), Adjunct Associate Professor at An-Najah University (Palestine), and Visiting Professor at UNIR (Spain). He is Co-Director of the OER Lab at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), China. He serves as Editor of the Springer series Future Education and Learning Spaces and Associate Editor of Smart Learning Environments, IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, and the Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society. Professor Tlili is also Expert at the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). He has edited several special issues in several journals and has also published several books, as well as academic papers in international referred journals. He has been awarded the Martin Wolpers 2021 Prize by the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR i TED) in recognition of excellence in research, education, and significant impact on society.
Ronghuai Huang is Professor in the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University (BNU, China). He has been engaged in research on smart learning environments, artificial intelligence in education, educational technology, as well as knowledge engineering. He received the ‘Chang Jiang Scholar’ award in 2016, which is the highest academic award presented to an individual in higher education by the Ministry of Education of China. He serves as Co-Dean of the Smart Learning Institute, Director of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Rural Educational and Training Center, and Director of China National Engineering Lab for cyberlearning intelligent technology. He is also President of the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education, Vice-President of the International Association of Smart Learning Environments, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Smart Learning Environments and Journal of Computers in Education. To date, he has accomplished/is working on over 100 projects.
Mohamed Jemni is Professor of Computer Science and Educational Technologies at the University of Tunis (Tunisia). He is also Director of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at The Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). Professor Jemni had been General Director of the Computing Center El Khawarizmi (the Internet service provider for the higher education sector in Tunisia) from 2008 to 2013. He is Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Co-Editor of Springer”s book series Lecture Notes in educational technology. He has published more than 300 papers in international journals, conference proceedings, and books and has produced many studies for international organizations such as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and ALECSO.
Dr. Christian M. Stracke developed interdisciplinary expertise in research, education and management while leading international large-scale projects (budgets over 50 million euros and up to 200+ researchers) and published over 200 scientific publications on his research fields: Open Education, Artificial Intelligence, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Competence Building, Impact Assessment and Educational Policies. He consults many educational institutions, international ministries and global organisations including UNESCO, Council of Europe, European Commission and European Parliament. As a member of the AI&ED Expert Group appointed by the Council of Europe, he works on the international law for the use of AI in education. Christian is cloud coordinator at the German University of Bonn and establishing the research lab at its scientific University IT and Data Center. He co-founded the UNESCO Unitwin Network on Open Education (UNOE) and holds professorships at the East China Normal University in Shanghai and Korean National Open University in Seoul.
Colin de la Higuera is Professor at Nantes University (France). He has been involved in a number of research fields, including formal language theory, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence. He was Chairman of the International Community in Grammatical Inference during 2002–2007, is Founding President of the French Informatics Society (SIF), and is also currently Trustee of the Knowledge for all foundations, where he is working towards the usage of technology for an open dissemination of knowledge and education. During 2021–2022, he was Co-Chair of the Open Education Global Congress, and since 2017, he has been United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair in technologies for the training of teachers by open educational resources at Nantes University.
Chee-Kit Looi is Research Chair Professor of Learning Sciences in the Education University of Hong Kong (China). He is Fellow of the International Society of Learning Sciences and Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. During his stint at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore), he was Founding Head of the Learning Sciences Lab, the first research center devoted to the study of sciences of learning in the Asia-Pacific region. He served as President of the Global Chinese Society of Computers in Education from 2017 to 2019. Professor Looi received his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, the UK, and has published more than 120 international journal papers, about 50 books or book chapters, and 160 refereed international conference papers. He has given more than 90 keynotes and invited talks at international conferences and institutions. His research has been translated into high impact on educational practices.
Khalid Berrada is Full Professor of Physics at the Mohammed V University in Rabat (Morocco). He obtained his Ph.D. in spectroscopy of conducting polymers at the Jean Rouxell Institute of Materials in Nantes (France). He is developing research on topics such as open education, e-learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), distance education, and didactics and science education. He was (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chairholder in “Teaching physics by doing” and is also Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Chairholder in Open Science.
2 द्वारा ईबुक Khalid Berrada
Khalid Berrada & Daniel Burgos: Pedagogy, Didactics and Educational Technologies
This book presents an overview on ten years of rich experience and innovative development of scientific research around pedagogy, didactics and educative technologies at Cadi Ayyad University. From a …
Daniel Burgos & John Willian Branch: Radical Solutions for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Education
This book facilitates understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) aids and integrates digital transformation (DT) in education institutions worldwide in various scenarios: learning environments …