When was the last time you truly waited on God to lead your path in life? Too many
times we become impatient and take matters into our own hands. We fail to realize God
has His own set time for everything. We end up heart broken, miserable, and get
mishandled when we rush ahead. Then we blame God for our regrets after we did things
our way.
This story is about a girl who handled life the best way she knew how, on her own! She
fought to fill her own voids only to realize she was creating even more. She finds out the
hard way that the way she was going about life was no good for her. If only she would’ve
allowed God into her life to show her the way.
लेखक के बारे में
Latina Campbell was born and raised in Camden, New Jersey. She is married and have
three children. She now resides in Philadelphia, PA where she and her husband are
founders & Pastors of Calling All Levites Outreach Ministry Inc. and Calling All Levites
Outreach Inc. She always had a passion for writing, so publishing her own book was very rewarding.