On a glorious sunlit afternoon in New York City, Gwen Winter prepares for her wedding, exuberant with the promise of her future with Nas Zia, the man of her dreams. Her heart races unbridled, outpaced only by the overwhelming emotions slicing through her. Flickering images of times spent with Nas spool past her mind’s eye like frames of celluloid movie film. Outside, a church bell clangs, hammering away at Gwen’s veneer until it shatters and all the warnings she’d refused to accept come crashing down around her. Nas is everything she’s ever wanted and at the same time everything she’s been told she can never have. A final knell rips through her proclaiming that she’s been forsaken and what was supposed to be the best day of her life is no more than a ghastly farce.
लेखक के बारे में
Lawrence Kelter hails from New York but now calls North Carolina his home. He is the bestselling author of more than thirty mystery and thriller novels including the Stephanie Chalice Mystery series that has topped bestseller lists in the US, UK, and Australia. In 2017, he penned Back to Brooklyn, the studio-authorized sequel to the cult comedy classic My Cousin Vinny. Early in his writing career, he received direction from literary icon, Nelson De Mille, who edited portions of his early work. Well before he said, ‘Lawrence Kelter is an exciting new novelist, who reminds me of an early Robert Ludlum, ‘ he said, ‘Kid, your work needs editing, but that’s a hell of a lot better than not having talent. Keep it up!’