Few, if any, books come close to being as beloved – or as ubiquitous – as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The book delves into the philosophy of the series and its fans, the distinctions between the films’ fans and the books’ fans, the process of adaptation, and the role of New Zealand in the translation of words to images. Lavishly illustrated, it is guaranteed to appeal to anyone who has ever closed the last page of The Return of the King and wished it to never end.
Introduction Lorna Piatti-Farnell
Making Fantasy Matter: The Lord of the Rings and the Legitimization of Fantasy Cinema Alexander Sergeant
The Lord of the Rings: One ...
लेखक के बारे में
Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Ph.D., is professor of media and cultural studies at Auckland University of Technology, where she is also director of the Popular Culture Rese...