Foreword: the imperative to resist ~ Kathleen Lynch
Introduction: resisting neoliberalism in education ~ Lyn Tett and Mary Hamilton
Part I : Adult education
Accountability literacies and conflictual cooperation in community- based organisations for young people in Québec ~ Virginie Thériault
Research, adult literacy and criticality: catalysing hope and dialogic caring ~ Vicky Duckworth and Rob Smith
The employability skills discourse and literacy practitioners ~ Gwyneth Allatt and Lyn Tett
Part II : School education
Making spaces in professional learning for democratic literacy education in the early years ~ Lori Mc Kee, Rachel Heydon and Elisabeth Davies
Countering dull pedagogies: the power of teachers and artists working together ~ Pat Thomson and Christine Hall
Resisting the neoliberal: parent activism in New York State against the corporate reform agenda in schooling ~ David Hursh, Sarah Mc Ginnis, Zhe Chen and Bob Lingard
Nourishing resistance and healing in dark times: teaching through a Body- Soul Rooted Pedagogy ~ Shiv Desai, Shawn Secatero, Mia Sosa- Provencio and Annmarie Sheahan
Part III : Higher education
Everyday activism: challenging neoliberalism for radical library workers in English higher education ~ Katherine Quinn and Jo Bates
Strategies of resistance in the neoliberal university ~ Mary Hamilton
Moving against and beyond neoliberal higher education in Ireland ~ Fergal Finnegan
Part IV : National perspectives
The appropriation of cultural, economic and normative frames of reference for adult education: an
Italian perspective ~ Marcella Milana and Francesca Rapanà
The marginalisation of popular education: 50 years of Danish adult education policy ~ Anne Larson and Pia Cort
Adult basic education in Australia: in need of a new song sheet? ~ Keiko Yasukawa and Pamela Osmond
Part V : Transnational perspectives
Education policy and the European Semester: challenging soft power in hard times ~ Howard Stevenson, Alison Milner, Emily Winchip and Lesley Hagger- Vaughan
Rethinking adult education for active participatory citizenship and resistance in Europe
~ George K. Zarifi s
Leaving no one behind: bringing equity and inclusion back into education ~ Carlos Vargas- Tamez
Afterword: resources of hope ~ Mary Hamilton and Lyn Tett