Lynn E. Murray is the Principal Investigator on an Instructional Leadership and Comprehensive School Reform project and the former Co-director of the Vermont Teacher Quality Project both housed at the Vermont Institutes in Montpelier, Vermont. She recently collaborated with her colleagues in the Teacher Quality Project in the publication of the Vermont Field Guide to Educator Mentoring. For the past 30 years, she has served as principal of both a large suburban K-8 elementary and middle school and a smaller rural elementary school, served as a director of special education, and Vermont state department consultant and grant writer, Professor of Education and Chair of Teacher Education at Trinity College, Burlington, Vermont. She co-developed and co-directed the first Northeast Regional Resource Center that served New England, New York and the Puerto Rico, and was a member of the research and development staff of the Northeast Regional Lab. She has studied intensively with Robert Fritz for the past three years, and is an experienced trainer for his organization.
3 द्वारा ईबुक Lynn Murray
Leonard C. Burrello & Lauren Hoffman: School Leaders Building Capacity From Within
‘The book allowed me to explore my own leadership practices regarding instructional capacity building. It′s a must for individuals looking to examine ways to improve teaching and learning.’ Royce Ave …
Toni Maguire & Lynn Murray: Daddy’s Little Girl
Every family has its secrets, but some are worse than others. I had learnt to switch myself off from feeling anything when he molested me. Just lie there like a wooden doll and don t give him the sat …
Toni Maguire: Daddys kleiner Liebling
Eine Familie wie aus dem Bilderbuch – eine Kindheit in der Hölle Nach außen hin schien Lynns Familie perfekt: Die liebevollen Eltern lebten mit ihren drei wohlerzogenen Kindern in einem gepflegten Ha …