This is the first anthology designed to enhance the reader’s understanding of the multiple dimensions of Islamic terrorism by presenting a cross-section of recent articles and selections from cutting-edge books on the subject.
The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism’; S. Bar The Jihadists’ Mentor; S. Qutb ‘Islam Is Not A Religion of Pacifists’; A. Khomeini Myths in the Service of Jihad; D. Cook ‘Declaration of Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders’; O. bin Laden Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner; A. Zawahiri Islamic Imperialism; E. Karsh Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror; M. R. Habeck ‘Jihadist Strategies in the War on Terror’; M. R. Habeck ‘What al-Qaeda Really Wants’; Y. Musharbash ‘Counterterrorism: The Changing Face of Terror’; D. Benjamin ‘What to Do? A Global Strategy’; 9/11 Commission Report Al Qaeda Resurgent; B. Hoffman ‘Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam: Muslims and non-Muslims Must Unite to Defeat the Wahhabi Ideology’; A. Wahid Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism; R. A. Pape ‘Indoctrination Is the Central Factor’; W. Laqueur Suicide Bombings as Effective Weapons; S. Holmes ‘Ordinary People’ and ‘Death Work’: Palestinian Suicide Bombers as Victimizers and Victims’; A. Berko and E. Erez ‘The Threat . . . Will Remain at a Very High Level for the Foreseeable Future’; C. Moniquet The Rising Tide of Islamic Radicalism; L. Vidino ‘Europe Has Become a Central ‘Field of Jihad”; D. Benjamin Londonistan; M. Phillips ‘The French Path to Jihad’; J. Rosenthal Now They Call me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror; N. Darwish ‘Islamic Anti-Semitism in Historical Perspective’; Anti-Defamation League ‘Kill a Jew; Go to Heaven: The Perception of the Jew in Palestinian Society’; I. Marcus and B. Crook ‘Jews Use Teenagers’ Blood for ‘Purim Pastries’; Dr. U. Ahmad Al-Jalahma ‘Their plan is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion’; Covenant of Hamas ‘Muslims Against Anti-Semitism: Ways to Promote Common Values’; T. Ramadan
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MARVIN PERRY is Professor of History at Baruch College, USA (retired).
HOWARD E. NEGRIN is Associate Provost for Grants and Research Administration, Hofstra University, USA (retired).