To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake
Das E-Book Eternal Return and the Metaphysics of Presence wird angeboten von Traugott Bautz und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Eternal Return and the Metaphysics of Presence, libri virides, Philosophie
Chapter I: Reading Heidegger’s The Question Concerning Technology
§ 1. The Question
§ 2. The Meaning of Wesen
§ 3. ????e?a
§ 4. T???? as Hervorbringen
§ 5. Modern Technology as Herausfordern
§ 6. On the Way to Answering
Chapter II: The Critique of Metaphysics
§ 7. Being Metaphysical vs. Metaphysics
§ 8. Appearance
§ 9. Presence
§ 10. Subjectivity
Chapter III: Heidegger’s Interpretation of Nietzsche
§ 11. The Will to Power as Subjectivity
§ 12. The Eternal Return as Presence
Chapter IV: World and Finitude
§ 13. Thinking the World with Heidegger
§ 14. Confronting Fink
§ 15. Reading Nietzsche
Chapter V: Reading Technology after Nietzsche
§ 16. Technology and Eternal Return
§ 17. The Ethical Ground