This book deals with the attempts made by the scientists, researchers and practitioners to address different emerging issues in transportation and geotechnical engineering. Papers focus on the following: (i) polymer-based dust suppressant, (ii) cement concrete materials, (iii) pavement preservation techniques, (iv) frost front in a cold-region circular tunnel, (v) metro station in non-cemented soil, (vi) seismic-liquefaction, (vii) mechanical responses of asphalt pavement at bridge approach, (viii) warm mix asphalt, and (ix) behavior of pile foundation. This volume is useful for the researchers and practitioners who work in the area transportation and geotechincal engineering. Papers were selected from the 5th Geo China International Conference 2018 – Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes: From Failure to Sustainability, held on July 23 to 25, 2018 in Hang Zhou, China.
1.Evaluation of Polymer-Based Dust Suppressant Mixed with Clayey Soil in Unpaved Road: Lab experiment.- 2.Evaluation of Co-Polymer Based Dust Suppressant Mixed with Soil in Unpaved Road: Lab experiment.- 3.A different perspective on the production and application of warm mix asphalt under unfavorable temperature conditions.- 4.Effect of cylinder size on the Compressive Strength of concrete CO2 curing.- 5.Performance Study on Asphalt Pavement Preservation Technologies in Gansu Province.- 6.A new procedure for construction metro station in non-cemented soil: A numerical investigation.- 7.Classification of seismic-liquefaction potential using Friedman’s stochastic gradient boosting based on the cone penetration test data.- 8.Centrifuge Test on the Cyclic Response of Pile in Dense Saturated Sand.- 9.Subgrade Stiffness Effects on Mechanical Responses of Asphalt Pavement at Bridge Approach.- 10.Based on Equal Volumetric Parameters Mix Design Method for Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt.- 11.Use of Falling Weight Deflectometer for Airport Pavements.- 12.Studies on performance of latex based coatings for concrete surfaces.- 13.One dimensional ground response analysis and identification of liquefiable strata of Guwahati city.- 14.A conceptual model for estimation on the strength of soil rock mixture after grouting reinforcement.- 15.Immobilization of Pb in soil using NZVI nanoparticles: effects on vane shear strength.