The Reichenbach Irregulars of Switzerland, an international group of Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle enthusiasts, publish their reflections and thoughts in what is the first ever Reichenbach Irregulars book, profusely illustrated! Each essay is based on a paper delivered at a Reichenbach Irregulars conference over the past 30 years, sometimes held in rather remote parts of the Swiss Alps.
Introduction by Peter E. Blau
Afterword by Akane Higashiyama and Mitch Higurashi
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Michael A Meer, BSI, ASH, a former President of The Reichenbach Irregulars, has been a Sherlockian since his childhood. Among his recent contributions to our game is ”Playing the Game’ and the Truth about ‘His Last Bow” for the BSI manuscript series (Trenches – The War Service of Sherlock Holmes, 2017). Together with Marcus Geisser, Michael is the co-architect and co-organiser of the 2014, 2017 and 2019 Reichenbach Irregulars conferences.