The Science of Synthesis Editorial Board, together with the volume editors and authors, is constantly reviewing the whole field of synthetic organic chemistry as presented in Science of Synthesis and evaluating significant developments in synthetic methodology. Several annual volumes updating content across all categories ensure that you always have access to state-of-the-art synthetic methodology.
<p>5.1.7 Product Subclass 7: Germylenes<br> Arylstannanes (Update 2021)<br> α-Boryl Carbonyl Compounds (Update 2021)<br>6.1.43 Product Subclass 43: Azaborines (Borazines)<br>14.6.5 Thiopyrylium Salts (Update 2021)<br>27.27 Product Class 27: 1, 2-Diimines<br>27.28 Product Class 28: β-Diketimines (1, 3-Diimines)<br>40.1.8 Product Subclass 8: Piperazines<br>48.3.3 Cyclobutanes (Update 2021)</p>