Marilyn now a widow, finding herself a mother and wife, alone with time on her hands. After raising two boys and being wife for forty years to her much-missed husband. Writing had always been her passion but time to wright never presented itself. Now time is one thing she has plenty of.
When she became a grandmother, at bedtime she would tell her grandchildren a story “As they would say out of your head” Alley Gator was there favorite. Even though she told many stories few found paper and pencil.
However, Alley Gator proved to be an exception. Now dedicating all her stories to her five grandchildren.
Grandchildren in them selves are a true blessing and keep the heart young.
6 द्वारा ईबुक Marilyn Miller
Marilyn Miller: Alley Gator Goes to the City
The Louisiana Bayou swamp can make one bad alligator tired and longing for clean, clear water and the city. Alley Gator one day got a hankering to go to the city…. But one thing he did not know. What …
Marilyn Miller: A felejtés útján
‘Szívfacsaró és felkavaró, ugyanakkor vad és szenvedélyes.’ – Könyvszenvedély ‘Lelket gyötrő témák, szenvedélyes jelenetek, amik lángra lobbantják a lapokat.’ – Ella Steel Titkok. Múlt. Harag. Függős …
Sue Harris & Janet R. Mayes: Interpersonal Psychoanalytic Theory for the 21st Century
Interpersonal psychoanalytic theory states that people can achieve insight into how, through interactions with people, they became who they are, and how they can change patterns of living that limit …
Marilyn Miller: vadasz
Nemcsak a tested az enyem, hanem a lelked is…Mindenem megvolt, amirol egy gyerek almodhatott. Szereto csalad. Biztonsag. Felhotlen gyermekkor, amit megis bearnyekolt valami. Nem tudtam megmondani, …