This second edition of Clinical Nutrition, in the acclaimed textbook series by the Nutrition Society, has been revised and updated in order to:
* Provide students with the required scientific basis in nutrition, in the context of a systems and health approach.
* Enable teachers and students to explore the core principles of nutrition and to apply these throughout their training to foster critical thinking at all times. Each chapter identifies the key areas of knowledge that must be understood and also the key points of critical thought that must accompany the acquisition of this knowledge.
* Are fully peer reviewed to ensure completeness and clarity of content, as well as to ensure that each book takes a global perspective and is applicable for use by nutritionists and on nutrition courses throughout the world.
Ground breaking in scope and approach, with an additional chapter on nutritional screening and a student companion website, this second edition is designed for use on nutrition courses throughout the world and is intended for those with an interest in nutrition in a clinical setting. Covering the scientific basis underlying nutritional support, medical ethics and nutritional counselling, it focuses solely on the sick and metabolically compromised patient, dealing with clinical nutrition on a system by system basis making the information more accessible to the students.
This is an essential purchase for students of nutrition and dietetics, and also for those students who major in other subjects that have a nutrition component, such as food science, medicine, pharmacy and nursing. Professionals in nutrition, dietetics, food sciences, medicine, health sciences and many related areas will also find this an important resource.
Libraries in universities, medical schools and establishments teaching and researching in the area of nutrition will find Clinical Nutrition a valuable addition to their shelves.
Contributors vii
Series Foreword ix
Preface xi
First Edition Acknowledgements xiii
1 Principles of Clinical Nutrition: Contrasting the Practice of Nutrition in Health and Disease 1
Marinos Elia
2 Nutritional Screening and Assessment 15
Marinos Elia and Rebecca J Stratton
3 Water and Electrolytes 27
Abeed H Chowdhury and Dileep N Lobo
4 Over-nutrition 47
Gema Frühbeck
5 Under-nutrition 81
Anura V Kurpad and Isabelle Aeberli
6 Metabolic Disorders 97
Luc Tappy and Jean-Marc Schwarz
7 Eating Disorders 108
Kate Williams
8 Adverse Reactions to Foods 123
Simon H Murch
9 Nutritional Support 140
Esther van den Hogen, Marian AE van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, and Cora F Jonkers-Schuitema
10 Ethics and Nutrition 161
Clare Mc Naught and John Mac Fie
11 The Gastrointestinal Tract 176
Miquel A Gassull and Eduard Cabré
12 Nutrition in Liver Disease 193
Mathias Plauth and Tatjana Schütz
13 Nutrition and the Pancreas 208
Diabetes Mellitus
Paula Mc Gurk and Marinos Elia
Jean-Fabien Zazzo
14 The Kidney 230
Roberta Situlin and Gianfranco Guarnieri
15 Nutritional and Metabolic Support in Haematological Malignancies and Haematopoietic Stem-cell Transplantation 253
Maurizio Muscaritoli, Saveria Capria, Anna Paola Iori, and Filippo Rossi Fanelli
16 The Lung 266
Peter Collins and Marinos Elia
17 Nutrition and Immune and Inflammatory Systems 276
Bruce R Bistrian and Robert F Grimble
18 The Heart and Blood Vessels 300
Kate Gatenby, Stephen Wheatcroft, and Mark Kearney
19 Nutritional Aspects of Disease Affecting the Skeleton327
Christine Rodda
20 Nutrition in Surgery and Trauma 350
Olle Ljungqvist and Ken Fearon
21 Infectious Diseases 363
Nicholas I Paton, Miguel A Gassull, and Eduard Cabré
22 Nutritional Support in Patients with Cancer 385
Federico Bozzetti
23 Paediatric Nutrition 420
Anthony F Williams
24 Cystic Fibrosis 477
John A Dodge
25 Illustrative Cases 492
Simon P Allison
Index 509
Visit the supporting companion website for this book:
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Michael J Gibney, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Marinos Elia, Institute of Human Nutrition, University of Southampton, UK
Olle Ljungquist, Centre for Gastrointestinal Disease, Stockholm, Sweden
Julie Dowsett, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland