A man named Roberto David, dreamed to make it big in life. The purpose is to live comfortably-meaning to be able to pay the bills on time, without hassle. Even just a bit of it-he wanted to taste. To support his family-pluck them out of poverty was actually the main target.
He chartered the thousand mile distance to land in the country with ‘greener pasture’-so he thought. Little did he know, the green pasture was to be plowed, tilled, and tended in order to stay green.
In the absence of a legal status in the country he landed, trials started zig-zagging his way. Without a green card, he can’t get a high paying job despite his college degree. He accepted odd jobs getting paid lower than minimum wage because he needed to get by-more so, to survive. He managed to snag employment at different companies using different credentials. But mostly he sought employment which were under the table-poverty, though, did not push him to defile his soul.
Applying for a green card wasn’t easy. He tried to apply, but to no avail. With his Mom’s approved petition-Roberto pursued immigration. But immigration won’t budge. With ‘little’ people like Roberto-it’s not supposed to. Roberto was not important enough for immigration to bow.