Who is Babylon the Great in the book of Revelation? Perhaps you’ve read God’s warning to “Come out of her, my people” and asked yourself if that warning applied to you. Mark Davidson approaches this question from a unique angle. He makes the scriptural case that Babylon the Great is the exact opposite of the Bride. Just as those who make up the Bride follow Christ, those who make up Babylon the Great follow their own idols and desires.
The implication is that Babylon the Great comprises the entire world of people who do not follow Christ, nor make Christ the highest love of their lives. Babylon the Great encompassing the whole world is why Revelation 18:24 says all the blood of those slain on the earth is found in her. Therefore, God’s call in Revelation 18:4 to “Come out of her” has ominous implications for every person, whether Christian or not.
Churches call for people to repent of their sins. However, sin is the result of idolatrous desires. Idolatry is subtle in everyone’s hearts—whether atheist or churchgoer—and its manifestations are everywhere. Everyone is susceptible. God’s last warning in the Bible to “Come out of her, my people” comes with consequences. Ignore this exhortation at your own peril!
Praise for Hidden Babylon and God’s Last Warning
“Mark’s unique gift of looking at the Scriptures with a fresh and dynamic perspective, will open the eyes of all of us as we look at the challenges of living in the last days, and help us not succumb to fear and bondage.”
—Carl Sutter, senior pastor, Foundations Church, Loveland, Colorado
“This book will force believers to take a much deeper look at culture as it unfolds right before our eyes. Mark Davidson brilliantly brings together a fresh biblical perspective … this book confronts the major cultural issues of our time by spotlighting them with sound biblical proofs.”
—Al Fadi, pastor, preacher, and teacher, founder of CIRA International
“I encourage you to spend time in personal reflection reading through Mark’s book … Take advantage of Mark’s study bringing insight to the idols that bind us, and it will move you to a deeper experience with God, as it did for me.”
—Jon Voget, development director, Multiplication Network
लेखक के बारे में
Mark Davidson (a pen name) is a follower of Jesus Christ, and a graduate-degreed aerospace engineer who has worked for over thirty years in the defense and space industries. A lifelong student of the Bible, eschatology, world history, and geopolitics, he has connected the dots yielding a new interpretation of end-time Bible prophecy which is being proven by current events. He and his wife live in Colorado.
Contact information:
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