Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels and is a key process which occurs during pathological disease progression. Excessive and damaging angiogenesis occurs in diseases such as cancer, diabetic retinopathies, age-related macular degeneration and atherosclerosis. In other diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction, insufficient or improper angiogenesis results in tissue loss and ultimately higher morbidity and mortality. In this book we will begin by providing the reader with an overview of the process of angiogenesis including normal embryological development of blood vessels. The following chapters will each focus on a key angiogenic disease incorporating current scientific knowledge concerning the causes of activation of the “angiogenic switch”, pathological consequences, current treatment options and future perspectives. Where appropriate, results from pre-clinical trials, novel imaging modalities and nanotechnological approaches will be incorporated into these sections. Finally, since it is now believed that the process of angiogenesis operated via different signalling mechanisms in different vascular beds, we will discuss our current understanding of this phenomenon. The target audience for this book would include researchers in all the basic sciences; post-graduate students at Universities and Institutes; pharmaceutical industries; clinicians working in vascular biology or tissue imaging; pathologists; neurologists; tumour biologists; ophthalmologists and cardiologists.
Preface. 1.Modified 3D fibrin matrices for stimulation of angiogenesis and wound healing. 2.Ocular retinopathies and clinical control of angiogenesis. 3.Angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of vasoproliferative retinopathies. 4.Angiogenesis in tumour development and metastasis. 5.Anti-angiogenic cancer therapy. 6.Molecular Mechanisms of Post-Ischemic Angiogenesis in the Brain. 7.Angiogenesis, the neurovascular niche and neuronal reintegration after stroke. 8.Clinical Strategies for Safe and Effective Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Ischemic Stroke: Insights from VEGF. 9.Atherosclerotic Plaque Angiogenesis as a Mechanism of Intraplaque Hemorrhage and Acute Coronary Plaque Rupture. 10.Neovascularization and Intra-plaque Hemorrhage: Role of Haptoglobin, Macrophages, and the Heme-Oxygenase System. 11.Angiogenic approaches for inhibition of plaque destabilization in atherosclerosis. 12.A key role of angiogenic control in recovery from ischaemic heart disease. 13.Angiogenic mediators and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. 14.Vascular development, stroke and neurodegenerative disease: a place for novel clinical interventions? 15.Peripheral Artery Disease and Angiogenesis: A Link Between Angiogenesis and Atherothrombosis. 16.Role of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of arthritis: Potential therapeutic applications. 17.Giant cell Artiritis: Pathology, angiogenesis and therapeutic implications. 18.Angiogenesis and Moya Moya disease. 19.Nanomedicine and angiogenesis. Index.