लेखक: Martha Gellhorn

Martha Gellhorn (1908-98) published five novels, fourteen novellas and two collections of short stories. She wanted to be known as a novelist, yet to most people she is remembered as an outstanding war correspondent and for something which infuriated her, her brief marriage to Ernest Hemingway during the Second World War. As a war correspondent she covered almost every major conflict from the Spanish Civil War to the American invasion of Panama in 1989. For a woman it was ground-breaking work, and she took it on with an absolute commitment to the truth. “All politicians are bores and liars and fakes. I talk to people”, she said, explaining her paramount interest in war's civilian victims, the unseen casualties. She was one of the great war correspondents, one of the great witnesses, of the twentieth century. Her life as a war correspondent is well illustrated by two incidents. After Hemingway stole her accreditation, she stowed away on a hospital ship on 7 June 1944 and went ashore during the Normandy invasion to help collect wounded men; she was also refused a visa to return to Vietnam by the American military, so infuriated were they by her reports for the Guardian. She was a woman of strong opinions and incredible energy. Though she turned down reporting on the Bosnian war in her 80s, saying she wasn't nimble enough, she flew to Brazil at the age of eighty-seven to research and write an article about the murder of street children. Touch-typing although she could barely see, she was driven by a compassion for the powerless and a curiosity undimmed by age.

17 द्वारा ईबुक Martha Gellhorn

Martha Gellhorn: Travels with Myself and Another
Out of a lifetime of travelling, Martha Gellhorn has selected her ‘best horror journeys’. She bumps through rain-sodden, war-torn China to meet Chiang Kai-Shek, floats listlessly in search of u-boats …
Martha Gellhorn: The Trouble I’ve Seen
These four interlinked stories encapsulate Martha Gellhorn’s firsthand observation of the Great Depression. Fiction crafted with documentary accuracy, they vividly render the gradual spiritual collap …
Martha Gellhorn: The Weather in Africa
Martha Gellhorn’s three intertwined novellas are concerned with the integration of European outsiders into the dramatic landscape of East Africa. It makes an electric theme, which alternates between …
Martha Gellhorn: Reisen mit mir und einem Anderen
‘Zum Reisen braucht man Durchhaltevermögen, und mit jedem Tag wird’s schlimmer. Erinnern Sie sich an die alten Tage, als Hotels gebaut wurden und fertig waren, ehe man hinkam? Erinnern Sie sich, daß …
Martha Gellhorn: Paare
Vier Paare, vier Novellen, ein Versprechen: In guten wie in schlechten Tagen, In Reichtum und Armut, In Gesundheit und Krankheit, Bis der Tod uns scheide.Martha Gellhorn lotet in vier ironisch elegan …
Martha Gellhorn: Muntere Geschichten für müde Menschen
Mrs. Lingard ist ein altmodischer Mensch: ‘Sie nimmt Freundschaften ernst.’ Und so hilft sie unermüdlich ihren Freunden, Claud Roylands jedoch kann sie nicht vor seinem Liebesglück bewahren.Theodore …
Martha Gellhorn: Das Wetter in Afrika
Nach dem Tode seiner Frau Sue beschließt Luke, sich zu Tode zu trinken. Zuvor verkauft er seine Farm an den menschenscheuen Ian, der hier sein Glück findet. Bis er Grace begegnet. Grace liebt weder I …
Martha Gellhorn: Ausgewählte Briefe
»Ich sehe Hemingway ab und zu … Er ist ein komischer Kauz, sehr liebenswert, voller Verve und ein glänzender Geschichtenerzähler. (Bei einem Schriftsteller ist das Phantasie, bei allen anderen Lüge …
Martha Gellhorn: Das Gesicht des Krieges
»Die erste Reportage in diesem Buch wurde vor neunundvierzig Jahren geschrieben. Nachdem ich mein Leben lang Kriege beobachtet habe, halte ich sie für eine endemische menschliche Krankheit und Regier …
Martha Gellhorn: Travels with Myself and Another
Martha Gellhorn: View From The Ground
Martha Gellhorn’s peacetime dispatches bear witness to six decades of change: America in the Great Depression, the betrayal of Czechoslovakia, young Poles undaunted by their Communist government, the …
Martha Gellhorn: Stricken Field
Martha Gellhorn was one of the first-and most widely read-female war correspondents of the twentieth century. She is best known for her fearless reporting in Europe before and during WWII and for her …
Martha Gellhorn: Face of War
A collection of “first-rate frontline journalism” from the Spanish Civil War to US actions in Central America “by a woman singularly unafraid of guns” (Vanity Fair).   Fo …
Martha Gellhorn: View from the Ground
An anthology spanning six decades of on-the-scene journalism from “one of the most eloquent witnesses of the twentieth century” (Bill Buford,  Granta).   For nearly sixty years, …
Martha Gellhorn: Point of No Return
A US soldier confronts the horrors of the Holocaust in this New York Times–bestselling novel from acclaimed WWII correspondent Martha Gellhorn. Growing up in St. Louis, Missouri, Jacob Levy is …
Saki & Laurie Lee: Merry Christmas
Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten von der Insel, erzählt von Saki, Laurie Lee, Martha Gellhorn, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Elizabeth Taylor, Patrick Hamilton und Patrick Leigh Fermor. …
Martha Gellhorn & Caroline Moorehead: Selected Letters of Martha Gellhorn
"A literary landmark" that spans the author’s complex life and career-"Gellhorn’s prose . . . is at its finest in the letter form" (Francine du Plessix Gray, The New York Times Bo …