In eight innovative sessions, Henderson, Hanson, and Reynolds provide sage advice, numerous case studies, a wide variety of assessment tools, intructional guidelines, and practical exercises to educate nursing home staff about care of the dying. A Multidisciplinary focus outlines important roles for all staff members in providing competent and compassionate end-of-life care.
Notes for the Facilitator
Session 1: Envisioning a Good Death
Session 2: Recognizing the Final Phase of Life
Session 3: Grief and Loss: Understanding and Supporting Families
Session 4: Advance Care Planning
Session 5: Choices about Eating and Drinking
Session 6: Pain Management
Session 7: Emotional and Spiritual
Session 8: Caring for the Caregivers: Taking Care of Yourself Emotionally
Appendix A: Flacker Mortality Score
Appendix B: Approaches to Pain Assessment and Treatment
Appendix C: Advance Care Planning Booklet for Nursing Home Residents
Appendix D: Advance Care Planning Booklet for Families of Nursing Home Residents
Appendix E: Participantsí Handouts