Mary Hunziger has written a series of best-selling sewing, quilting, knitting & crafting books. Sewing Craft Books: Sewing Reference & Guide to Learn How To Sew is the perfect introduction to sewing for beginners. You will get access to her 3 awesome sewing tutorials for beginners that include 300+ sewing resources + even more sewing nuggets that are included in the interactive sewing guide that is included, too. These 300+ sewing resources include places to research and sell your DIY sewing items beyond Etsy, Dawanda, Pinterest. This is how the sewing and crafting elite is doing it and inside you will find these secret resources so that you can benefit from this knowledge, too! Based on the techniques and instructions that you will find in this sewing compilation, you can quickly, easily and effortlessly learn to sew on a basic level. You will learn basic sewing stitches, patterns and techniques in order to be able to create your very first successful sewing project on your own..
लेखक के बारे में
My name is Mary Kay Hunziger and I am a passionate crafter myself. I started my own crafting business with my first $7 on Etsy in 2007 and all I can say it has been an exciting ride. Take a look at these golden craft opportunities because this is what my ‘From Passion To Profit’ book series is going to do for you: 1. You become very profitable in a quick, easy and effortless way because every creative resource has been assembled for you. You just have to tap into the gold! 2. If you are already a passionate sewer, quilter, crafter, knitter, etc. you can increase your profits by tomorrow and multiply your income streams. 3. The Zero Cost Marketing Blueprint and Resource Guide are slashing your investment and marketing costs to Zero and will help you double your profits by tomorrow because instead of paying for marketing services and products you can cash in 100% of your profits Now!