‘Man School: Relating with Women in the #Me Too Era’ is simultaneously an acknowledgement of women and a non-judgmental education for men in how we got here, why women are upset, and how men can win in relating with women in this new paradigm. Matthew Solomon, the ‘Coach for the Modern Soul, ‘ has spent most of his adult life mastering relationships and communication.
As the #metoo movement emerged online, he observed women unifying, vocalizing and pushing back against centuries of misogyny. At the same time, he also noticed that men, largely unaware of the issues at hand, became defensive and adversarial; lacking the understanding and tools to provide the safe space that women are hungry for and deserve. Insightful, honoring, and humorous, ‘Man School’ delivers on Matthew’s commitment that everyone feels heard, understood and loved.
‘I love ‘Man School!’ We need more conscious men like Matthew Solomon involved in this conversation!’ –Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, Dr. of Divinity and New Thought Leader
‘This book is perfectly timed and, no doubt, is the blueprint for men to know how to navigate the relationship waters in the #metoo #timesup era!’ — Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce, Hollistic Clinical Sexologist
‘Matthew takes on the emotional, heavy lifting for women in a way that doesn’t make men wrong.’ –Sofiya Alexandra, Co-Host of The reality Bytes Podcast
Introduction 13
Chapter 1 Sex 17
Chapter 2 Women Are Not Men 22
Chapter 3 A Change Has Come 25
Chapter 4 The Problems 28
Chapter 5 Toxic Masculinity 37
Chapter 6 Safety 47
Chapter 7 Engaging with Her 53
Chapter 8 Listening 56
Chapter 9 Chivalry 61
Chapter 10 Tantra 63
Chapter 11 Provide 66
Chapter 12 Cultivate Your Beingness 68
Chapter 13 The Future 72
Resources 74
लेखक के बारे में
Matthew Solomon, ‘The Coach for the Modern Soul, ‘ is also an author, award-winning filmmaker and father of three. Born and raised in the melting pot that is Los Angeles, he developed an unshakable stand for equal rights which is represented in his books and movies. His latest book, ‘Man School: Relating with Women in the #Me Too Era, ‘ was born out of a need for more effective communication and awareness on the subject. As the movement emerged, and women found their voices, Matthew observed that men were largely caught off-guard and unsure how to accept and support the healing that has needed to occur. This book provides a solid foundation and tools for that conversation.
Always seeking to deepen and expand his awareness, Matthew has spent most of his adult life studying effective communication, relationships, Eastern philosophies, Kabbalah, martial arts, Tantra, yoga and more. After teaching Kenpo Karate for 10 years, and coaching one of the most rigorous leadership training and development programs in the world, he was inspired to share his gifts and knowledge publicly. Matthew founded ‘Coach with Matthew Solomon’ in the summer of 2017, and has continued to coach individuals, couples and deliver group programs designed to empower and inspire everyone to live happy, healthy and joy-filled lives. His commitment is that everyone, every single person, has the experience of feeling heard, loved and understood.
Matthew writes the weekly column ‘Too Sensitive’ for ‘The Good Men Project, ‘ has been a guest on the KTLA Morning News in Los Angeles and can be reached at: www.Coachwith Matthew Solomon.com