लेखक: Melissa Trevathan

Sissy Goff, M.Ed., LPC-MHSP has worked as the Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling and the Director of Summer Programs at Daystar since 1993. She also has been a guest on television and radio programs across the United States and in Canada. A sought after speaker to parents and girls of all ages, Sissy is also a regular speaker at LifeWay”s You and Your Girl events. She has written for CCM Magazine, ParentLife magazine, and a variety of other periodicals. She and Melissa Trevathan coauthored The Back Door to Your Teen”s Heart, Raising Girls, Mirrors and Maps, and Growing Up Without Getting Lost.

5 द्वारा ईबुक Melissa Trevathan

Helen Stitt Goff & Melissa Trevathan: Raising Girls
"My six-year-old fusses with her hair for hours. Is this normal?" "Yesterday my seventh grader was all sunshine. Today she’s wearing black and won’t leave her room." "I’m …
Helen Stitt Goff & Melissa Trevathan: Growing Up Without Getting Lost
There was a time, not so long ago, when everything in life seemed pretty simple. You had great friends, you got along with your parents (most of the time!), and you were pretty happy with the way …
Helen Stitt Goff & Melissa Trevathan: Mirrors and Maps
Pop Quiz: *; Have you ever woken up and felt bad about yourself for no reason whatsoever? *; Have you spent time trying to figure out how to get into the popular group at school? *; Have you ever …
Sissy Goff & Melissa Trevathan: Modern Parents, Vintage Values
What do I do when my son learns phrases in school that he’s not allowed to say at home?How do I teach my daughter caution but not fear?How do I teach my daughter about gratitude when she believes she …
Sissy Goff & David Thomas: Intentional Parenting
This is about you, not just your child.Regardless of age, parenting requires a certain amount of uncertainty. But you can be certain that your children look to you to help them discover who they are. …