From a young age I was exposed to various art forms such as music,
creative writing, dance, drama and visual arts. The elementary
school I attended allowed me to establish a foundation for my
love and appreciation of the arts. Upon finishing high school, I
came across a passion for beautification and design, leading me
to discover my interest in fashion. Born and raised in the small
metropolitan area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I have always sought
out ways to express my multi-talented, creative energy. While
actively pursuing my dreams as a young woman, I found myself
wanting to share a piece of my story with young readers. I hope to
inspire children around the world to dream big, have fun and go after their most creative and
unique ideas with ferocity no matter what limitations appear in their lives!
Desde una temprana edad, yo fui expuesta a una variedad de distintos formas del arte como la
msica, escritura creativa, el baile, la drama y el arte visual. La escuela primaria que yo atend,
me dio la oportunidad de establecer la fundacin para mi amor y aprecio para los artes. Al
trminar de la escuela secundaria, yo llegu a tener una passion para la belleza y el diseo, cual me
dirigieron a descubrir mi inters en moda. Nacida y criado en una rea pequea metropolitana
de la cuidad de Baton Rouge, Louisiana, yo siempre busqu maneras de expresar mi multitud
de talentos creativos. Mientras yo sigo persiguiendo mi sueos como una mujer joven, yo me
encontr deseando compartir una pieza de mi historia con lectores jvenes. Yo espero a inspirar
a los nios del mundo a que sueen grande, a divertirse y que persiguen su ms creativa y nica
ideas con feriocidad sin importar las limitades que aparecen en la vida!
1 द्वारा ईबुक Mesha Williams
Mesha Williams: Kitten Creates Couture
Kitten, a young feline with a passion for fashion, takes readers on a colorful journey as she tries her hand in creating her first extraordinary couture design. Watch her showcase the important steps …