लेखक: Mia Couto

Born in Beira, Mozambique, Mia Couto was director of the Mozambican state news agency during the years following his country’s independence from Portugal, and later worked as a newspaper editor and journalist. Since the late 1980s, he has combined the profession of environmental biologist with that of writer. Couto is the author of nearly 30 books of fiction, essays and poems that have been translated into more than 25 languages. He has won major literary prizes in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Brazil, Italy and the United States. In 2013 Couto was awarded the Camões Prize, given to a Portuguese-language writer for his life’s work. In 2014 he received the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, dubbed “the American Nobel.” In 2015 he was a finalist for the Man Booker International Prize for The Tuner of Silences, published by Bibloasis, also long-listed for the 2015 Dublin IMPAC Award. Biblioasis also published his selected essays, Pensativities: Essays & Provocations (2015). Couto’s novel Confession of the Lioness was shortlisted for the 2017 International Dublin Literary Award. Mia Couto lives with his family in Maputo, Mozambique, where he works as an environmental consultant. Eric M. B. Becker is editor of Words without Borders and translator of numerous writers from the Portuguese. He is the recipient of grants and fellowships from the PEN American Center, the Fulbright Commission and, most recently, from the National Endowment for the Arts for his translation of the short stories of Lygia Fagundes Telles.

9 द्वारा ईबुक Mia Couto

Mia Couto: Pensativities
‘One of the greatest living writers in the Portuguese language.’—Philip Graham, The Millions What would Barack Obama’s 2004 campaign have looked like if it unfolded in an African nation? What does it …
Mia Couto: Rain
After the war, I thought all that was left was ashes, hollow ruins . . . Today, I know that’s not true. Where man remains, a seed, too, survives, a dream to inseminate time. Published in the aftermat …
Mia Couto: Imani
Das Mädchen Imani muss den portugiesischen Offizier Germano unterstützen, weil sie die Sprache und die Sitten der Europäer kennt. Der Offizier soll in Mosambik den Vormarsch des großen Herrschers Ngu …
David Brookshaw & Paulina Chiziane: Imagine Africa
Mia Couto: Confession of the Lioness
Shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award 2017A finalist for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize My sister Sil ncia was the most recent victim of the lions, which have been tormenti …
Mia Couto: Me quiere… no me quiere
En la costa del Océano Índico, Zeca Perpetuo, un pescador entrado en años, es vecino de Dona Luarmina, una mujer también mayor. Amigos, vecinos decentes, van rompiendo la distancia hasta que Zeca des …
Mia Couto: Asche und Sand
Die junge Imani kümmert sich aufopfernd um ihren Geliebten Germano, der sich schwer versehrt in ein abgelegenes Dorf am Flussufer gerettet hat. Währenddessen tobt der Krieg zwischen der portugiesisch …
Mia Couto & Pere Comellas Casanova: Terra somnàmbula
Fugint de la violència que assola el seu país, el vell Tuahir i el jove Miudinga, un noi que no recorda el seu passat, busquen refugi en un autobús calcinat. A dins, hi troben uns quaderns que narren …
J.H. Rosny Aîné: A Morte da Terra
O futuro chegou. A água abandonou a Terra e o planeta é uma imensa planície seca e deserta. Não há rios, nem lagos, nem mares. Há apenas alguns oásis onde os Últimos Homens levam uma vida apática e r …