This volume explores the ‘Mimetic Theory’ of the cultural theorist René Girard and its applicability to Islamic thought and tradition. Authors critically examine Girard’s assertion about the connection between group formation, religion, and ‘scapegoating’ violence. These insights, Girard maintained, have their source in biblical revelation. Are there parallels in other faith traditions, especially Islam? To this end, Muslim scholars and scholars of Mimetic Theory have examin...
Ch. 1. ‘The Wound Where Light Enters’, Michael Kirwan and Ahmad Achtar.- Ch. 2. ‘Islamic Anthropology, based on Key Passages in the Qu’ran’, Zekiriji Seijdini.- ...
लेखक के बारे में
Michael Kirwan is a Jesuit priest who taught theology at Heythrop College (University of London), and is now an associate professor at the Loyola Institute, Trinity...