Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing, Volume 8: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2019, the eighth volume of eight from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Modal Analysis, including papers on:
- Analytical Methods
- Modal Applications
- Basics of Modal Analysis
- Experimental Techniques
- Multi Degree of Freedom Testing
- Boundary Conditions in Environmental Testing
- Operational Modal Analysis
- Modal Parameter Identification
- Novel Techniques
Chapter1: Modern Modal Testing: A Cautionary Tale.- Chapter2: Vibration Testing of Laparoscopic Surgical Instruments Under Varying Grip Pressures.- Chapter3: Combined Qualification Vibration Testing and Fixed Base Modal Testing Utilizing a Fixed Based Correction Method.- Chapter4: Pressure Stiffened Modal Correlation of a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel.- Chapter5: Pretest Analysis for Modal Survey Tests Using Fixed Base Correction Method.- Chapter6: Fixing Degrees of Freedom of an Aluminum Beam by using Accelerometers as References.- Chapter7: Signal Reconstruction from Mobile Sensors Network using Matrix Completion Approach.- Chapter8: All Vibration is a Summation of Mode Shapes.- Chapter9: Modal Testing Using the Slinky Method.- Chapter10: Numerical and Experimental Modal Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Axially Loaded by a Tendon Which Is Attached in a Single Spanwise Location.- Chapter11: How to Design Modal Test Plan Based on FEM Result.- Chapter12: Maximizing the Quality of Shape Extractions from Base Shake Modal Tests.- Chapter13: New Approaches to Inverse Structural Modification Theory using Random Projections.- Chapter14: Modal Analysis of the Wind Turbine Blades with Different Test Setup Configurations.- Chapter15: Modal Excitation of Circular Rotating Structures using an Innovative Electromagnetic Device.- Chapter16: Modal Analysis of a 7 Do F Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot.- Chapter17: Characterizing Dynamics of Additively Manufactured Parts.- Chapter18: How Linear is a Linear System?.- Chapter19: An Interpolation Algorithm to Speed up Nonlinear Modal Testing using Force Appropriation.- Chapter20: Estimating Applied Loads and Response Accelerations on a Dynamic System Using Vibration Data.- Chapter21: Analysis of Coupling Relationship between Car-body and Flexible Hanging Equipment.- Chapter22: Imager-based Characterization of Viscoelastic Material Properties.- Chapter23: Development and Validation of Data Processing Techniques for Aircraft Ground Vibration Testing.- Chapter24: Structural Health Monitoring with Self-Organizing Maps and Artificial Neural Networks.- Chapter25: A Novel Technique to Extract the Modal Damping Properties of a Thin Blade.- Chapter26: Finite Element Model Updating of the UCF Grid Benchmark Connections Using Experimental Modal Data.- Chapter27: Structural Health Monitoring on Industrial Structures Using a Combined Numerical and Experimental Approach.- Chapter28: Validation of Automatic Modal Parameters Estimator on a Car Body-In-White.- Chapter29: Modal Analysis of Rotating Tires in Stationary and Rotating Frames of Reference.- Chapter30: Combining Machine Learning and Operational Modal Analysis Approaches to Gain Insights in Wind Turbine Drivetrain Dynamics.- Chapter31: Modal Test-Analysis Correlation using Left-Hand Eigenvectors.- Chapter32: A Theoretical Study on the Generation and Propagation of Traveling Waves in Strings and Rods.- Chapter33: Shaping the Frequency Response Function (FRF) of a Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom (MDOF) Structure Using Arrays of Tuned Vibration Absorbers (TVA).- Chapter34: Experimental Study on Tire Vibrations and Induced Noise.- Chapter35: On the Adaptive Vibration Suppression on a Flexible Spatial Structure.- Chapter36: Evaluation of the Human-Structure-Soil Interaction on a Two-Wheel Tractor Using Modal Analysis Techniques.- Chapter37: Reproducible Modal Testing using a Flexure-based Impact Excitation System.- Chapter38: Modal Analysis and Characterization of Mounting Cart Used for Testing in the Combined Environment Acoustic Chamber.- Chapter39: Effects of Sensor Count on Damping Estimates from Operational Modal Analysis.- Chapter40: Ambient Vibration Tests and Modal Response Analysis of an Old Age High-rise Building in Downtown Vancouver, Canada.- Chapter41: System Identification of a Full Scale Wood Frame Building Specimen Subjected to Shake Table Tests.- Chapter42: Estimating Rotor Suspension Parameters from Runout Data.