State-of-the-art solutions to restore hand function in patients with difficult hand ailments
The intricate balance of the intrinsic and extrinsic soft tissue structure and bony scaffold of the hand, coupled with 31 articulating services in the hand and wrist, can lead to significant surgical challenges. Providing surgeons with technical pearls to overcome these challenges is the primary focus of Problems in Hand Surgery: Solutions to Recover Function by internationally renowned hand surgeons Michael W. Neumeister and Michael Sauerbier, and an impressive group of contributors.
Organized by 29 sections and 90 chapters, this comprehensive book focuses on secondary hand surgeries to optimize hand form and function in patients with challenging trauma- and disorder-related hand issues. Among the many topics addressed are problems associated with nonunion, malunion, dysvascular limbs, trauma-related degenerative changes, stiffness, tendon dysfunction, joint disruption, nerve injury, neuropathy, vasospasm, fractures, and osteoarthritis.
Key Highlights
- Unique approaches for stiff fingers, recurrent cubital tunnel and ulnar neuropathy, suboptimal bone healing/avascular necrosis in the hand and wrist, and more
- High-quality videos provide insightful guidance on various surgical techniques
- Over 1, 100 color illustrations and preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative images help readers visualize the steps involved in each operative procedure
The extraordinary clinical tools in this step-by-step surgical resource will help orthopaedic surgery residents and experienced orthopaedic and plastic surgeons manage difficult cases and achieve optimal patient outcomes.
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<strong>Part I: Problems with Nailbed Repairs</strong><br>1 Nonadherence of the Nail Plate<br>2 Posttraumatic Split Nails<br>3 Gentian Violet Treatment of Severe Chronic Paronychia<br><strong>Part II: Problems with Trigger Release</strong><br>4 Bowstringing<br><strong>Part III: Problems with Dupuytren’s Disease</strong><br>5 Exposed Tendons<br>6 Acute Vascular Compromise After Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy<br>7 Secondary Contractures<br>8 Complications of Dupuytren’s Contracture Treatment<br><strong>Part IV: Problems with Flexor Tendon Repair</strong><br>9 Flexor Tendon Rupture<br>10 Adhesions of the Flexor Tendon<br>11 Bowstringing of the Flexor Tendon<br>12 Ruptured Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon<br><strong>Part V: Problems with Extensor Tendon Repair</strong><br>13 Extensor Lag<br>14 Stiffness in the Extensor Tendon<br>15 Relative Motion Treatment of Chronic Boutonniere Deformity<br>16 Management of Chronic Sagittal Band Rupture<br>17 Posttraumatic Swan Neck Deformity<br><strong>Part VI: Problems with Vasospasm</strong><br>18 Refractory Raynaud’s Phenomenon<br><strong>Part VII: Problems with Compression Neuropathy</strong><br>19 A Practical Approach to Recurrent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome<br>20 Recurrent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome<br>21 Failed Carpal Tunnel Release: Recognizing the Lacertus Syndrome<br>22 Cubital Tunnel Release at the Elbow<br>23 Recurrent Cubital Tunnel<br>24 Recurrent Ulnar Neuropathy<br>25 Radial Tunnel Release in the Forearm<br><strong>Part VIII: Problems with Nerve Repair</strong><br>26 End Neuroma<br>27 Pain following Nerve Repair<br><strong>Part IX: Problems with Nerve Palsy</strong><br>28 Finger Contractures<br><strong>Part X: Sarcoma</strong><br>29 Incomplete Resection of Sarcoma at the Hand<br><strong>Part XI: Problems with Soft Tissue Coverage</strong><br>30 Perfusion Problems<br>31 The Bulky Flap<br>32 Contracture after Acute Trauma Surgery of a Blast Burn<br>33 Dorsal Hand Defect<br><strong>Part XII: Problems with Nonarticular Phalanx Fractures</strong><br>34 Malrotation in Nonarticular Phalanx Fractures<br>35 Nonunion in Nonarticular Phalanx Fractures<br>36 Stiffness and Hardware Problems in Nonarticular Phalanx Fractures<br>37 Angulation in Nonarticular Phalanx Fractures<br><strong>Part XIII: Problems with Articular Phalanx Fractures</strong><br>38 Angulation in Articular Phalanx Fractures<br>39 Posttraumatic Bone Loss in Articular Phalanx Fractures<br>40 Fracture after Prior Kirschner’s Wire Fixation<br>41 Contractures in Articular Phalanx Fractures<br><strong>Part XIV: Problems with Metacarpal Fractures</strong><br>42 Nonunion in Metacarpal Fractures<br>43 Malunion in Metacarpal Fractures<br>44 Angulation in Metacarpal Fractures<br><strong>Part XV: Problems with Basilar Joint Osteoarthritis</strong><br>45 Recurrent Pain in Basilar Joint Osteoarthritis<br>46 Painful Proximalization of First Metacarpal After Trapeziectomy<br>47 Metacarpal Phalangeal Hyperextension<br><strong>Part XVI: Problems with Metacarpal Phalangeal Osteoarthritis after Implant Arthroplasty</strong><br>48 Intraoperative Instability During Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthroplasty for Osteoarthritis<br>49 Revision of Subsided Pyrocarbon Implants<br><strong>Part XVII: Problems with Interphalangeal Osteoarthritis</strong><br>50 Failed Silicone Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Arthroplasty<br>51 Stiffness in Interphalangeal Osteoarthritis<br>52 Contracture in Interphalangeal Osteoarthritis<br>53 Proximal Interphalangeal Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis<br><strong>Part XVIII: Problems with Infection in the Thumbs, Fingers, and Wrist</strong><br>54 Inadequate Drainage of Infection in the Thumbs, Fingers, and Wrist<br>55 Salvage of Osteomyelitis of the Distal Radius after Internal Fixation of an Open Fracture<br>56 Infectious Destruction of the Wrist<br><strong>Part XIX: Problems with Replantation</strong><br>57 Stiffness after Replantation<br>58 Failed Replant: Ray Amputation<br>59 Failed Digit Replant: Toe-to-Hand Transfer<br>60 Failed Thumb Replant: Great Toe-to-Thumb Transfer<br>61 Failed Replant: Failed Degloving Revascularization<br>62 Attempted Replantation<br>63 Nonunion following Digital Replant<br>64 Nonunion following Major Replant<br>65 Painful Finger after Bony Nonunion<br>66 Stiff Fingers and Elbow after Replantation<br>67 Poor Grip or Weak Motion after Replantation<br><strong>Part XX: Problems with Complex Regional Pain Syndromes</strong><br>68 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome<br><strong>Part XXI: Problems with Scaphoid Fractures</strong><br>69 Nonunion of the Proximal Pole<br>70 Scaphoid Nonunion with Avascular Necrosis<br>71 Scaphoid Revision Nonunion<br>72 Scaphoid Nonunion<br>73 Scaphoid Implant Malplacement<br><strong>Part XXII: Problems with Scapholunate Instability</strong><br>74 Failed Scapholunate Ligament Repair: Acute<br>75 Failed Reconstruction with Tenodesis: Chronic<br><strong>Part XXIII: Problems with the Lunotriquetral Joint</strong><br>76 Problems with the Lunotriquetral Joint After Ligament Repair<br>77 Problems with Lunotriquetral Fusion<br><strong>Part XXIV: Problems after Partial Wrist Fusions</strong><br>78 Complications of Partial Wrist Fusion<br>79 Dislocated Lunar Facet Fragments and Radioscapholunate Arthrodesis<br><strong>Part XXV: Total Wrist Arthroplasty</strong><br>80 Implant Migration after Total Wrist Arthroplasty<br><strong>Part XXVI: Problems with Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears</strong><br>81 Pain After Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears<br>82 Persistent Instability After Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears<br><strong>Part XXVII: Problems with Ulnar Impaction</strong><br>83 Arthroscopic Treatment of Ulnar Impaction<br>84 Nonunion after Ulnar Shortening<br><strong>Part XXVIII: Problems with Distal Radial Ulnar Joint</strong><br>85 Failed Bowers’ Arthroplasty: Ulnar Head Prosthesis<br>86 Dislocated Ulnar Head Prosthesis<br><strong>Part XXIX: Problems with Distal Radius Fractures</strong><br>87 Distal Radius Fracture Malunion<br>88 Distal Radius Fracture Nonunion<br>89 Troublesome Lunate Facet<br>90 Troublesome Lunate Facet: Treatment with Microvascular Techniques