Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Volume 1 covers the evidence-based practices now identified for treating children and adolescents with a wide range of DSM disorders. Topics include fundamental issues, developmental disorders, behavior and habit disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, and eating disorders. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of the evidence-based practice literature for each disorder and then covers several different treatment types for clinical implementation. Edited by the renowned Peter Sturmey and Michel Hersen and featuring contributions from experts in the field, this reference is ideal for academics, researchers, and libraries.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Contributors xiii
I Overview and Foundational Issues 1
1 Rationale and Standards of Evidence in Evidence-based Practice 3
Oliver C. Mudford, Rob Mc Neill, Lisa Walton, and Katrina J. Phillips
2 Evidence-based Practice in Child and Adolescent Disorders 27
Daniel A. Waschbusch, Gregory A. Fabiano, and William E. Pelham Jr.
3 Professional Issues and Evidence-based Practice: The Quality Problem in Behavioral Health Care 51
William T. O’Donohue and Scott O. Lilienfeld
4 Developing Clinical Guidelines for Children and Adolescents: Experience From the National Institute For Health and Clinical Excellence 73
Stephen Pilling and Peter Fonagy
5 The Economics of Evidence-based Practice in Disorders Of Childhood and Adolescence 103
E. Michael Foster and Kimberly Mc Combs-Thornton
II Specific Disorders 129
6 Intellectual Disabilities 131
Robert Didden, Jeff Sigafoos, Russell Lang, Mark O’Reilly, Klaus Drieschner, and Giulio E. Lancioni
7 Learning Disabilities 161
T. Steuart Watson, Jane E. Cole, Sarah Gebhardt, and Tonya S. Watson
8 Stuttering 185
Mark Onslow, Mark Jones, Susan O’Brian, Ann Packman, and Ross Menzies
9 Autism Spectrum Disorders 209
Glen O. Sallows and Tamlynn D. Graupner
10 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorders 243
Rebecca J. Hamblin and Alan M. Gross
11 Conduct, Oppositional Defiant, and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 267
Michael Handwerk, Clint Field, Angie Dahl, and Jessica Malmberg
12 Pica 303
David B. Mc Adam, Jonathan Breidbord, Michelle Levine, and Don E. Williams
13 Pediatric Feeding Disorders 323
Valerie M. Volkert and Cathleen C. Piazza
14 Tics and Tourette Disorders 339
Benjamin T. P. Tucker, Christine A. Conelea, and Douglas W. Woods
15 Encopresis 361
W. Mellon
16 Enuresis 389
W. Larry Williams and Marianne Jackson
17 Separation Anxiety Disorder 411
Maaike H. Nauta and Paul M. G. Emmelkamp
18 Reactive Attachment Disorder and Severe Attachment Disturbances 433
Thomas G. O’Connor, Mary Spagnola, and J. Gerard Byrne
19 Stereotypic Behavior Disorder 455
Michael E. May, Craig H. Kennedy, and Jennifer L. Bruzek
20 Self-injurious Behavior 477
Peter Sturmey, Lindsay Maffei-Almodovar, Maya S. Madzharova, and Joshua Cooper
21 Smoking in Children and Adolescents 493
Roger E. Thomas
22 Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents 521
William Martinez, Kristen Zychinski, and Antonio J. Polo
23 Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents 545
Anthony James, Felicity Cowdrey, and Christine James
24 School Refusal 559
Glenn A. Melvin and Bruce J. Tonge
25 Anorexia Nervosa 575
Cynthia M. Bulik, Kimberly A. Brownley, Jennifer R. Shapiro, and Nancy D. Berkman
26 Bulimia 599
Ata Ghaderi
27 Sleep Disorders in Children 621
Kurt A. Freeman, Tonya M. Palermo, and Megan Scott
28 Child Abuse and Neglect 647
Amy L. Damashek and Mark J. Chaffin
Author Index 679
Subject Index 709
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Michel Hersen (Ph.D., ABPP, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1966) is Professor and Dean of the School of?Professional Psychology?at Pacific University. He is?Past President of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. He has coauthored and co-edited 146 books and has published 225 scientific journal articles.?He is co-editor of several psychological journals, including Behavior Modification, Aggression & Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, Clinical Psychology Review, and Journal of Family Violence. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anxiety Disorders and of Clinical Case Studies. Earlier in his career, he was in full-time private practice and on several occasions he has had part-time private practices.
Peter Sturmey (BSc., Ph D. M/Clin Psychology A.F. B. Ps.S University of Liverpool, UK)?is Professor in the Department of Psychology, Queen’s College, City University of New York. He is recognized as an international authority on functional assessment, and published Functional Analysis in Clinical Psychology with Wiley in 1996. More recently, he co-edited Offenders with Developmental Disabilities with Bill Lindsay and John Taylor in 2004.