Adieu to God examines atheism from a psychological
perspective and reveals how religious phenomena and beliefs are
psychological rather than supernatural in origin.
* Answers the psychological question of why, in the face of
overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, do religions
continue to prosper?
* Looks at atheism and religion using a fair and balanced
approach based on the latest work in psychology, sociology,
anthropology, psychiatry and medicine
* Acknowledges the many psychological benefits of religion while
still questioning the validity of its supernatural belief systems
and providing atheist alternatives to a fulfilling life
Preface ix
1. A Short History of Religion 1
2. The Psychology of Religion–The Varieties of Normal
Experience 33
3. The Psychology of Religion–The Varieties of Abnormal
Experience 61
4. Social Structures and Religion 89
5. Religion, Power, and Control 113
6. Religion and Health 141
7. How to Be a Healthy Atheist 167
References 181
Author Index 191
Subject Index 195
लेखक के बारे में
Mick Power is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, as well as a practicing Clinical Psychologist who has worked at Guy’s Hospital and Maudsley and Bethlem Hospitals. Raised as a Catholic, Power became an atheist at 16.