This comprehensive guide to the core areas of early learning and childcare is designed to equip students to synthesise theory, research and practice to become reflective, evidence-based practitioners. Featuring a diverse and experienced team of authors, this essential book covers policy, theories of childhood, professional development and urgent issues impacting the sector today such as diversity and inclusion, being trauma-aware and children’s rights.
Each chapter includes case studies, key ideas, views from practice, questions and more helping to bring topics to life, making this a rich resource that will support your studies.
Dr Mike Carroll is a retired Senior Lecturer currently working as an Associate Tutor in Education at the University of Glasgow, Education Consultant and the co-author of Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education (2018).
Mary Wingrave, is a Senior Associate Tutor and was formerly a Senior Lecture in Education at the University of Glasgow
PART 1: Policy and legislative context of non-compulsory care and education (NCE) in the UK
Legislative and policy frameworks: practice and implementation – Craig Orr and Mary Wingrave
Safeguarding and protecting children: from policy to practice – Ruth Myles and Jana Chandler
Diversity, equity and inclusion in early years – Margaret Mc Culloch and Tracey Stewart
Children’s Rights and the UNCRC – Jana Chandler and Ruth Myles
PART 2: Contexts of childhood
Theories of child development – Mike Carroll
Contemporary perspectives of children and childhood – Mary Wingrave and Jillian Barker
Personal, social and emotional development – Marie Mc Quade and Irene Pollock
Attachment-focused and trauma-aware early childhood practice – Christine Mc Kee and Mark Breslin
PART 3: Early Learning
Creating learning environments – Elizabeth Black and Jacqui Horsburgh
Early language and literacy development – Jennifer Farrar and Kelly Stone
Early mathematical development – Susie Marshall and Julie Robinson
Digital learning in early childhood – Irene Pollock and Martin Winters
PART 4: Perspectives on Play
Playful pedagogy – Elizabeth Black
Space to play – Joe Houghton and Kristina Robb
Outdoor learning – Mike Carroll and Jillian Barker
PART 5: Developing the non-compulsory care and education workforce
Professionalisation of the non-compulsory sector in the UK – Mary Wingrave
Professional learning and the reflexive practitioner – Irene Pollock and Tracey Stewart
Professional inquiry – Mike Carroll and Mary Wingrave
Evaluation in childcare settings – Jacqui Horsburgh and Kristina Robb
PART 6: The wider context of non-compulsory care and education
Leadership and management in childhood practice – Mike Carroll and Craig Orr
Working in partnership – Marie Mc Quade and Tracey Stewart
International perspectives on childcare provision and practice – Cynthia Abel, Marie Mc Quade and Craig Orr
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Dr Mary Wingrave is a Senior Associate Tutor, and she supports the Associate Tutors who work in both Initial Teacher Education and undergraduate studies at the University of Glasgow. Previously, she was the Director of Initial Teacher Education and Undergraduate studies and was also the Director of the West Partnership. In this role, she worked with Local Authorities in the West of Scotland, and with other universities, to support the school placements of initial teacher education students. The focus of Mary’s teaching has been in the area of the non-compulsory sector where she developed and led the B.A. and M.Ed in Childhood Practice Programmes. Her areas of focus are leadership, early years, and the professionalisation of the non-compulsory childcare and education sector. Mary was involved in the revision of Scotland’s key national policy document for the non-compulsory education and childcare sector, the Standard for Childhood Practice.