This book encompasses the diversity and complexity of sex in tourism, incorporating the light, dark and shades of grey in between. It brings together work and ideas from a diverse array of researchers from around the world and examines the affects and effects of diverse sexual encounters in tourism, romance tourism, sex tourism and sexual exploitation in tourism – including the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, and sexual harassment. Sex in tourism has arguably been an understudied area of research relative to the central roles that sex plays within tourism experiences. This volume explores the complexity and nuanced nature of sex in tourism in more detail. It will be of interest to students and researchers of tourism impacts, tourist behaviour, hospitality management, destination management and development.
Figures and Tables
Chapter 1. Liza Berdychevsky and Neil Carr: Introducing the Light and Dark Sides of Sex in Tourism and the Fifty Shades of Grey in Between: Using the Social-Ecological Model
Chapter 2. S. Emre Dilek and Neil Carr: Ethical Debates on Sex Tourism, and Sex and Tourism
Part 1: Light Side of Sex in Tourism: Affects and Effects of the Diverse Sexual Encounters in Tourism
Chapter 3. Liza Berdychevsky: Gender Differences and Similarities in Perceptions of and Experiences with Sex and Sexual Risk Taking in Tourism
Chapter 4. Neil Carr and Leonardo Nava Jimenez: Sex and Summer Camps
Chapter 5. Phoebe Everingham, Amie Matthews and Tamara Young: Embodying Liminality: Exploring the ‘Affects’ of Sexual Encounters in Backpacker and Volunteer Tourism
Chapter 6. Octávio Sacramento: Tourism, the Internet and Euro-Brazilian Intimacies
Chapter 7. Elsa Soro, Sheila Sánchez Bergara and Jose A. Mansilla López: Online Dating on the Move: At the Intersection of Sexuality, Tourism and Space Representation
Part 2: Fifty Shades of Grey of Sex in Tourism: Romance Tourism, Sex Tourism or Exploitation Tourism?
Chapter 8. S. Emre Dilek: Sex Tourism Beyond the Human
Chapter 9. Amanda Jenkins, Roya Rahimi and Peter Robinson: Sex Tourism in the Caribbean: A Case Study of Negril Beach Boys
Chapter 10. George Ariya and Ruth Nyamasyo: Sex Tourism and Girls’ Education: Reflective Voices of ‘Girls’ at Mtwapa, Kenya
Chapter 11. Naomi Moswete: Examining Awareness, Knowledge and Perceptions of Tourism and its Links to HIV/AIDS in Maun, Botswana
Part 3: Dark Side of Sex and Tourism: Child Sex Tourism and Sexual Harassment
Chapter 12. Irina Oliveira and Vitor Ambrósio: Sexual Harassment in the Hotel Housekeeping Department
Chapter 13. Frans de Man and Arnoud Lagendijk: The Distorted Reach to Local Stakeholders in the Global Fight against Child Sex Tourism: The Case of Thailand, the Dominican Republic and the Gambia
Chapter 14. Athina Papageorgiou: Child Sex Tourism and the Role of Local Communities
Chapter 15. Neil Carr and Liza Berdychevsky: Delving into the Uncharted Terrains of Sex in Tourism:
Conclusions and Ways Forward
लेखक के बारे में
Liza Berdychevsky is an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Her research interests revolve at the nexus of heath, wellbeing and sexuality in various tourism and leisure contexts, with a particular focus on ageing, gender and sexual health education.